
  • anteverdant -
  • cantonesque - style of architecture (11)
  • evanoscope - camera analogue (3)
  • evanotype (evanotyped, evanotypes) - photograph analogue (3,4,13,19)
  • syrup of ipecac and saltroot - induces vomiting (13)

Wayne's gobbledegook

  • The lattice supports of the apricity are completely liminal.
  • Can't you see that the forebode malefactors are starting to bow? We could have a full-blown bannock on our hands at any minute!
  • I've been checking the integrity of the structure, and the caronals are completely nepheligenous out there! We are about to have a full-blown case of ximelolagnia if somebody doesn't do something.
  • We've got to hold it up while I ratchet the saprostomous underlays
