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Sarene by Bernardo Curvello.jpg | Sarene in her fencing outfit, by [[Coppermind: Artists/Bernardo Curvello|Bernardo Curvello]]
Sarene by Bernardo Curvello.jpg | Sarene in her fencing outfit, by [[Coppermind: Artists/Bernardo Curvello|Bernardo Curvello]]
Sarene by Hayley Olivia.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Hayley Olivia|Hayley Olivia]]</small></center>
Sarene by Hayley Olivia.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Hayley Olivia|Hayley Olivia]]</small></center>
Sarene and Ashe by Séverine Dumagny.jpg | <center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Séverine Dumagny|Séverine Dumagny]]</small></center>With [[Ashe]]

Revisión del 13:00 23 abr 2019

Sarene treefin.jpg
Teoish Royal Family
Cónyuge Raoden
Padres Eventeo, mother
Hermanos Teorn
Parientes Kaise, Daorn, Kiin
Vinculado con Ashe
Títulos Queen of Arelon, Queen of Elantris, Princess of Teod
Apodos 'Ene, Leky Stick
Religión Shu-Korath
Nacionalidad de Teod
Mundo natal Sel
Universo Cosmere

The problem with being clever is that everyone assumes you’re always planning something.


Sarene is the daughter of King Eventeo of Teod[2], and Queen of Arelon. She has one brother, who is the heir to the Teo throne.[3]

Appearance and Personality

Sarene, princess of Teod and queen of Arelon, is politically-minded, bold, and strategic. She is described as a tall and thin woman with fair hair and silver-grey eyes.[4]. She is a natural leader, as evidenced by her immediate take over of Raoden's revolutionary group, despite strong personalities such as Roial and Ahan.[5] She is never satisfied with an unsolved mystery and can detect quite well when she is being lied to.

She is also known as being brusque, occasionally sarcastic, and patronizing to those who underestimate or try to manipulate her. This is shown by how she is acts dimwitted in order to manipulate King Iadon[6], using his sexist views against him.

She seeks to better the lives of others, man or woman, rich or poor.


Sarene became an ambassador for Teod at a very young age, serving most notably as the ambassador to Svorden.

In an attempt to re-establish diplomatic relations with Arelon, Sarene arranges a political marriage with Prince Raoden. She meets and gets to know Raoden by communicating through letters, and later by seon. When she arrives in Arelon, however, she finds out that Raoden has died of "disease". A clause in the marriage contract states that the death of either her or Raoden qualifies as a marriage, so she finds herself a widow, and legally the daughter of King Iadon of Arelon.[2]

She spends the first three months of her "married" life working to block the efforts of a gyorn named Hrathen to convert the people to Shu-Dereth and thus add both Teod and Arelon to the massive Fjordell Empire. In addition, she works with Raoden's group of friends to attempt to change Iadon's system of government. She also brings food to the Elantrians and teaches a group of Arelish noblewomen, including Eshen and Daora, fencing, in an attempt to give them some agency in the court.[7]

Hrathen eventually gets to Telrii, a rich nobleman, and promises to place him on the throne if he converts to Shu-Dereth. When Iadon commits suicide, Sarene realizes that the only way to keep Telrii off the throne is to combine her fortunes with Roial's through marriage.[8] On the day of the wedding, however, Hrathen poisons her to make her look like she has undergone the Shaod, and she is thrown into Elantris.[9] After five days in Elantris, when the poison wears off, she and Raoden realize that she was not truly an Elantrian, and she returns to Kae.[10]

She convinces the people to accept Raoden as their king even though he is an Elantrian[11], but then the Derethi priests attack Arelon, capturing Sarene, along with the rest of her allies and family in Kae. She is taken to Teoin by Dilaf, where he attempts to use her to make King Eventeo surrender to the Derethi.[12] With the aid of Hrathen, Raoden, Galladon, and other Elantrians, she fights off the Derethi invasion and saves both Kae and Teod from Dilaf's attack.[13]

Afterward, she is married in a grand ceremony to Raoden, and becomes the Queen of Arelon.[14] She becomes pregnant by him after.

Attributes and Abilities

Sarene is a political genius and charismatic leader. The seon Ashe is bound to her. Sarene is also a skilled fencer. She is good at reading people and manipulating them to her needs.


Queen of Arelon
with Raoden
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