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106 bytes añadidos ,  hace 11 años
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== Properties ==
Spren are said to be always around, but usually invisible.{{citeref|b|twok|c|7}} Some believe that there is spren in everything, but they are only visible when something changes.{{ref|b|twok|c|37}} The exception is in [[Shinovar]], where they apparently do not exist.{{ref|b|wok|i|4}} Spren have measurable properties, including luminosity, shape, size, and color.{{ref|b|wok|i|8}} [[Geranid]], a spren researcher, has discovered that recording a spren's measurement fixes its property at that value.{{ref|b|wok|i|8}} Larger spren, such as [[riverspren]] and [[Cusicesh the Protector]] can mimic human faces.,{{ref|b|twok|i|5}} and are typically invisible, except to the person they are bothering.{{ref|b|twok|c|2}} Larger spren can also move small objects and give "pinches" of energy.{{ref|b|wok|pc|1106}} Spren do not sleep,{{ref|b|wok|pc|21514}} and are believed to live in everything.{{citeref|b|twok|c|37}}
== Known Subtypes ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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