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Capacidades Dakhor
Nacionalidad de Fjorden
Mundo natal Sel

Dilaf was the Gragdet of the Dakhor monastery during the period documented in Elantris. Some time during his life as a Dakhor monk, he was assigned to act as a spy in Arelon, and had his physical characteristics altered to appear like a young Arelene.[En debate] Some time after this transformation, he met and fell in love with a woman from Arelon. When she died in spite of Elantrian aid, his hatred of Elantris congealed into something that drove him to the point of madness. After leading the assaults on both Kae and Teod, he was killed by Hrathen, who could not tolerate his genocidal tendencies.

Early Life

Very little is known about Dilaf's early life. He had an early ardor for Shu Dereth, as evidenced by his early acceptance into Dakhor monastery. By the time he was 10, Dilaf had entered the monastery. Rather than pursue the priesthood, Dilaf elected to continue in the monastery, becoming one of the dedicated Dakhor monks.

Some time before the events of Elantris, while staying in Arelon, his wife became ill. Desperate for a chance to save her he took her to the Elantrian healers however something went wrong with the healing and one of the Aons was left incomplete. Unable to complete the healing, his wife was left in a limbo of agony until she took her own life to end her pain.

By the time he reached middle age, Dilaf had risen to the rank of Gragdet. Dilaf's intensity was only amplified by his elevation, and he began putting plans in place for the destruction of Elantris. An essential part of his plans involved his insertion in a long running undercover operation. It was also during this period that Dilaf gained the bone structure that allowed him to cancel out the Elantrian use of Aon-Dor, a transformation that cost the lives of many Dakhor monks.

Just before his insertion was to take place, Dilaf began training a young Hrathen. Three month's after Hrathen entered the monastery, Dilaf required one of the monks under his command to sacrifice himself to transport Dilaf to Wyrn's chambers, a distance easily walked. Although Dilaf did not assign particular importance to this event, it would lay the groundwork of his eventual death.

Infiltration of Arelon

Shortly after Hrathen left Dakhor monastery, Dilf underwent a painful physical change to appear to be of Arelish descent. It appears that this transformation also changed the aging process, as the rest of his life (he would live to be nearly 70 years old), Dilaf appeared physically quite young. Immediately after arriving in Arelon, Dilaf set about integrating himself into Arelish culture. At first, it seemed that everything was going according to his plans. Then, quite contrary to his plans, Dilaf fell in love.

Very little is known about Dilaf's wife. The confusion behind her origin is further compounded by the fact that our only source of information regarding her is Dilaf himself, long after he was driven mad by hatred of the Elantrians. It is safe to assume, however, that she was Fjordel, given Dilaf's intense animosity towards outsiders. Dilaf was over 50 when they met, and no one was a surprised as he was when he fell in love. He was left even more surprised when she returned his love, despite his physical 'deformity'.

Unfortunately, Dilaf's happiness was not to last. His wife became sick with a debilitating and terminal disease. The power that Dilaf had trusted for so long, the power of a monk of Dakhor, had no ability to heal. In desperation, Dilaf turned to his enemies, the Elantrians, is a reckless bid to save the life of the woman he loved. Unfortunately, through an innocent mistake, the glyph that should have healed her instead performed a partial transformation, not unlike the Reod, leaving her in pain and unable to die. Dilaf, however, believed that this tragic accident was a malicious attack, and began nursing a hatred that would ultimately drive him insane. He retreated to the outlying city of Rain, and began his infiltration in earnest, taking the role of an Arelene who had converted to Shu Dereth.

Invasion of Kae

Discuss Dilaf's involvement in the invasion of Kae/Teod


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