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The Allomantic symbol for cadmium

Cadmium is the external temporal pulling metal. An Allomancer burning cadmium is able to stretch time in a bubble around them, making it pass more slowly. Feruchemists can use cadmium to store breath, and when used as a Hemalurgic spike, cadmium steals an unknown quality.

Allomantic Use

A cadmium Misting is known as a Pulser. Burning cadmium pulls on time around the user, causing time to pass more slowly in a bubble around them. Events outside the bubble appear to move much faster to someone inside.[1] It is suspected that it works similarly to bendalloy.

Feruchemical Use

Archivo:Cadmium (Feruchemy).jpg
The Feruchemical symbol for cadmium

A cadmium Ferring is known as a Gasper. Cadmium is used to store breath. While storing breath, the Feruchemist must hyperventilate to keep his body oxygenated. Tapping a cadmiummind allows the user to go without breathing, or to introduce extra oxygen into her bloodstream.[1]

Hemalurgic Use

When used as a Hemalurgic spike, cadmium steals some unknown trait or quality.


  1. a b Alloy of Law, Ars Arcanum

Plantilla:Mistborn series

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