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The world of Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians is split up into two major territories: the Hushlands and the Free Kingdoms.

The Hushlands

The Hushlands or Libraria consists of all the landmasses of the real world. They are under control of the Librarians[1]

A notably absent area of land is where France resides.

The Free Kingdoms

by: Isaac Stewart
A map of the Free Kingdoms in relation to the librarian-controlled Hushlands.

The Free Kingdoms consist of three continents which fill up a large amount of the Hushlanders Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

The Atlantic ocean has two major landmasses, one in the northern ocean the other in the southern, separated by a line of large islands forming the nation of Anokaba. The northern continent is shared between three nations, roughly split by mountain ranges. The northern nation is Fooster, who's territory also includes a string of small islands from its coast up to the southern tip of Greenland. Ulfheim borders to the south, and has a small sea between it's eastern tip and the north-western tip of Spain. The western nation of Fracois shares a sea border with the northern-most islands of Anokaba, and it's western tip is close to the West Indies.


The Incarna were a people with a large knowledge of Silimatics. They created the Smedry Talents using some unknown method. They fell due to something related to the Talents. Alcatraz the First broke his people's language to prevent anyone from using the knowledge for destruction.

The Librarians were created when Biblioden taught that the world was too strange and dangerous for most people to know about. This started the mass censorship and alteration of history that continues in the Hushlands. The Librarians control all knowledge in the Hushlands. Any time the Librarians take over a new territory, it is added to the Hushlands. History books are changed so it appears that the new territory was always part of Hushland history. The most recent Librarian acquisition is the continent of Australia.[2]


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