Seon de Hrathen

De La Coppermind
Revisión del 20:17 10 abr 2020 de Thurin (discusión | contribs.) (annotation ref to wob ref)
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Capacidades Astilla of Devotion
Vinculado con Hrathen
Especie Seon
Mundo natal Sel
Universo Cosmere
El título de este artículo no es canon y ha sido creado por un fan ya que todavía no se ha establecido un término oficial.

Hrathen's seon is a magical being on Sel that is used by the gyorn Hrathen for communication purposes.[1]

Appearance and Personality

Hrathen's seon is described as having a similar size and appearance to other seons - a small floating, glowing sphere.[2] Her Aon, and therefore her name, are not known. She is patient and obedient.[2] Her voice is soft, melancholy, and feminine.[2][3] She is the only seon introduced so far that is referred to as female.



Hrathen was Fjordell, and like other followers of Shu-Dereth he viewed Aonic magic as "heathen".[2] Many people in Fjordell did not even believe that seons exist.[2] Hrathen always believed that they are real, but he had several misconceptions about them, including an assumption that they were created by Elantrians.[2] Hrathen ascended the ranks of the Derethi church and became one of twenty gyorns, high priests that directly served Wyrn Wulfden the Fourth.[4] He was shocked to learn that Wyrn and the other gyorns each had a seon that they used for communication, and had to be convinced by Wyrn over a period of several years that their use by the Derethi was justified.[2] It is not known how the Derethi church originally obtained the seons.

Assignment to Hrathen

The seon was given to Hrathen and he kept her in a steel box with an elaborate locking system; he also kept the box itself well hidden.[2] Hrathen believed that the church would be embarrassed if common people knew that it used the magic that it condemned.[2] Seons cannot pass through solid matter[5] so Hrathen's seon was imprisoned, although she made no effort to escape when the box was opened.[2] She remained unfailingly obedient, but Hrathen still felt disgust and distrust towards all seons, more so than other gyorns.[2] Hrathen's seon was generally forbidden to speak, and Hrathen sometimes left the box unopened for months.[2] Their relationship was completely different from the loving connections seen between Aonic characters and their seons (such as Raoden's with Ien)[6] and Hrathen's thoughts and actions were incongruous with what is known about the usual nature of the human-seon bond.[7][8]

As a communicator

Hrathen used her to contact Wyrn regarding a plot involving Telrii.[2] She was later used to contact Forton, a use which was not sanctioned but not technically forbidden.[9] Hrathen procured some potions from Forton and kept them in the box.[3] When Hrathen feigned becoming an Elantrian, someone rifled through his belongings and the box was damaged, but the seon was not discovered.[3]

Unbeknownst to Hrathen, the Dakhor gragdet Dilaf always knew about his seon; at one point, he used her to contact Eventeo and threaten him.[10] Her fate after Hrathen's death is not known.

Attributes and Abilities

Hrathen's seon appears to have the same powers as other seons, including the ability to instantly communicate through other seons.[11][2] She obeys Hrathen's commands and refers to him as "my lord", which would seem to indicate that the two are bonded.[7] The seon was presumably given to Hrathen by a process called Passing.[12]


  • This seon could be featured in a potential Elantris sequel, possibly even as a viewpoint character, after bonding with Adien.[13]


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