Brig Dartmoor

Revisión del 12:14 7 oct 2016 de Fbstj (discusión | contribs.) (fix books)

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Brig Dartmoor
House Dartmoor
Cónyuge Draulin
Hijos Angola, Rikers, Bastille
Capacidades Caballero Crístin
Nacionalidad De Nalhalla
Mundo natal Tierra (Alcatraz)

Brig Dartmoor is high king of Nalhalla and the leader of the Council of Kings.[1]

Appearance and Personality

He presides over the Council of Kings in rich blue and gold robes. He has a full red beard and generally regal bearing.

Brig is nothing if not sincere. He is a passionate man; those Librarians must have done some clever talking to bring him to this point.


About 6 months before the events of The Knights of Crystallia, a delegation from the Wardens of the Standard arrived in Nalhalla and approached King Dartmoor about setting up and embassy and opening peace talks. While suspicious, King Dartmoor agrees.[3] The draw of peace is strong enough that he is about ready to give up Mokia in exchange (and has most of the other members of the council ready to do the same) when Grandpa Smedry returns.[2]

He was about to sign the treaty giving Mokia to the librarian's when Prince Rikers entered the chamber of the Council of Kings and demanded the proceedings be halted. After hearing Prince Riker's story and seeing Fitzroy brought in bound, he grills Kangchenjunga Sarekgjakka, aka She Who Cannot be Named, and refuses to let her weasel out of the interrogation with half answers. After the interrogation he calls for a re-vote which leaves him as the deciding vote. After a brief hesitation he rips the treaty in half. [4]

During the resulting battle, he draws his sword and stands guard over Draulin when she falls due to the corruption of the Mindstone. When Archedis turns his attention to Brig, Bastille steps in to defend her father. [5]


Brig is Bastille's father and Draulin's husband and clearly cares deeply for his family.[2]

He is the High King of Nalhalla and presides over the Council of Kings


‘I will not be the king who was offered peace and who passed it by, Leavenworth. I will not be a warmonger. If there is a chance at reconciliation . . . But we should speak of this someplace outside the public eye. Let us retire to my sitting room.’

King Dartmoor [2]

‘I find it telling,’ he declared to Swcbn, ‘that you cannot control your own people despite the importance of these talks! I find it disturbing that you would be willing to execute one of your own for joining a kingdom with which you claim you want to be friends. And, most of all, I find it disgusting what I nearly did. I want you Librarians out of my kingdom by midnight. These talks are at an end.’

King Dartmoor [4]


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