Diferencia entre revisiones de «Tindwyl»

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== Attributes and Abilities ==
Tindwyl is a full [[Feruchemist]], meaning she has the ability to store attributes in every Feruchemical metal and tap them when required. Being a [[Keeper]], she has access to all of the Keepers' knowledge on her [[coppermind]]s.{{book ref|mb1|33}} That includes knowledge on healing, sanitation practices, farming, and engineering.{{book ref|mb2|7}}{{book ref|mb3|46}} Her chosen area of expertise is biographies, including many generals, kings and emperors. The study of biographies has given her a lot of knowledge about leadership and command.{{book ref|mb1|14}}
=== Scholarship ===
As a Keeper, Tindwyl's vast reserves of knowledge serve her in many ways. She acts as advisor to Elend during her time in Luthadel, training him in leadership -- her area of interest as a Keeper are the biographies of great men of the past. When she and Sazed study the rubbing, she also puts her skills as a scholar to use as they research the Deepness and the Hero of Ages, as well as other texts from that time.
== History ==
=== Legacy ===
In Northern [[Scadrial]], Tindwyl is remembered as one of the [[Preservers]] and is given the epithet "Mother of Terris."{{book ref|mb6|13}} In [[Elendel]], Tindwyl Promenade in the Fourth Octant is named for her.{{map ref|Elendel}}
=== Scholarship ===
As a Keeper, Tindwyl's vast reserves of knowledge serve her in many ways. She acts as advisor to Elend during her time in Luthadel, training him in leadership -- her area of interest as a Keeper are the biographies of great men of the past. When she and Sazed study the rubbing, she also puts her skills as a scholar to use as they research the Deepness and the Hero of Ages, as well as other texts from that time.
== Relationships ==