Diferencia entre revisiones de «Tindwyl»

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== Appearance and Personality ==
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Tindwyl is tall{{book ref|mb2|13}} and lean{{book ref|mb2|10}}. She is about fifty years old.{{book ref|mb2|13}} Her face is rectangular,{{book ref|mb2|13}} with square features.{{book ref|mb2|20}} Her eyes are described as beautiful, and her graying auburn hair is straight,{{book ref|mb2|23}} waist-length, and sometimes braided.{{book ref|mb2|10}} Her earlobes are elongated by her many earrings, which alternate in color.{{book ref|mb2|41}} Tindwyl wears the colorful robes of the Terris people{{book ref|mb2|16}}, or a colorful skirt and blouse{{book ref|mb2|20}}, as well as some rings made of Feruchemical metals.{{book ref|mb2|35}} She is always dressed neatly, with perfect posture,{{book ref|mb2|20}} making her always appear put-together.{{book ref|mb2|23}}
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