
De La Coppermind
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La Coppermind tiene spoilers de todos los trabajos publicados de Brandon, incluyendo El Hombre Iluminado. La información sobre libros que aún no se han publicado (como El archivo de las tormentas 5) está permitida sólo en las páginas de los propios libros. Para ver una visión anterior de la wiki sin spoilers de uno de estos libros, ve a nuestra Máquina del Tiempo

Fallecido Shot in the head by Val[1]
Poderes Épico
Residencia Babilar
Mundo natal Tierra (Reckoners)

Knoxx is a thug turned Epic in Babilar, and a known member of Newton’s gang.[2]

Appearance and Personality

Knoxx is slender, with buzzed hair and a multitude of earrings. He wears a mobile on his shoulder, and carries a sleek Beretta compact as a weapon. He speaks boldly, even to Newton, and is not afraid to insult her, despite her power.[1]

Attributes and Abilities

Epic Abilities

The "Class C" ability to transform shape while changing mass and retaining original thought process.[3] His only known shapes are a pigeon and a black dog, as well as his normal human form.[1]


Knoxx is a member of Newton's gang, and has been for years. He was not an Epic when he joined, but was given his powers by Calamity at the request of Regalia.[3][4] David attempted to draw him into a trap in a office building, with Megan in a sniper position. Knoxx thought it was just some kid scavenging for food. David ambushed Knoxx, engaging in hand-to-hand combat, but Knoxx escaped by turning into a pigeon and flying to a different floor. Megan took a few shots at him, and Knoxx started to make a run for it. David caught up to him, and Knoxx attacked David as a large black dog. Knoxx got sprayed in the face with bright blue spraypaint making him easier to identify. During the fight, Megan shot him in the shoulder from her position. Knoxx was wounded, not able to fully fly as a pigeon. However, he managed to escape to the next building over, where he collapsed. David caught up to him and tied him up, and proceeded to wait for Megan to arrive. Val showed up, fatally shooting Knoxx in the head and saying that “The only good Epic is a dead Epic.”[1]


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