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(Updated relationship section)
Their relationship ends with Tindwyl's death during the battle. Sazed searches for her body long into the night, finding it near morning and grieving over her loss.{{book ref|mb2|54}}
=== Elend ===
|Your king is a humble scholar and thinker, but he has the will of a warrior. He is a man who has the nerve to fight, and I think—perhaps—you have yet to see the best of him.
|Tindwyl about Elend{{book ref|mb2|25}}
Tindwyl comes to Luthadel to mentor Elend, and the two spend a lot of time together as she teaches him. While her behavior toward him can be harsh, she has a high opinion of him, calling him a 'fine man'.{{book ref|mb2|37}} After he is deposed, she refuses to accept that he is no longer king and still calls him by his honorific, 'Your Majesty'. She helps him as he tries to get his throne back, and when he is unable to, continues to offer him counsel when asked.{{book ref|mb2|41}} Despite their closeness, however, their final parting ends on a bitter note as Tindwyl is upset with him for leaving Luthadel and its people, and she dies shortly after.
=== Vin ===
|You are so much more than you are willing to accept, child. Why look at only one side of yourself, when your Elend sees so much more?
|Tindwyl to Vin{{book ref|mb2|25}}
Tindwyl expresses an interest in Vin from their first meeting. During their trip to the dressmaker’s shop, she is able to speak privately with her and in doing so comes to understand Vin better. She takes it upon herself to try and help her, as Vin struggles with balancing the skaa and noble parts of herself. While she finds her to be somewhat unstable,{{book ref|mb2|45}} Tindwyl does come to care for her. She agrees with her theory about the [[Deepness]] being the mists — however, she does not believe that Vin is the [[Hero of Ages]]. Their parting is not on the best of terms — Tindwyl thinks she is foolish for believing herself to be the Hero and leaving Luthadel right before the battle, and by time Vin returns Tindwyl has been killed.
== Notes ==


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