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=== Time in Luthadel ===
==== InstructingFirst ElendMeetings ====
After the [[Collapse]] Tindwyl received a message from Sazed, detailing the situation of [[Elend Venture]]. Although he did not explicitly ask her to go to Luthadel and train him, she went anyway.{{book ref|mb2|13}}
She then offered to teach him to be a better ruler, revealing that her area of expertise as a Keeper was in the biographies of great men of the past. Elend accepted her instruction. Vin then arrived, and demanded to know what Tindwyl was doing there. Tindwyl remarked on her directness, in contrast to how long it took Elend to ask her that same question. She made to leave, and Elend asked whether there was anything he should start practicing. Tindwyl told him to stop saying 'um'. Ham reentered the room, and Elend asked him to see that Tindwyl was given accomodations in the palace.{{book ref|mb2|14}}
==== Instructing Elend ====
Some days later, Tindwyl arrived at the city wall and ordered Clubs to send Elend down from there. She and Elend went to his study, where a seamstress and her assistants were waiting. She had had new clothing made for Elend -- a white, militaristic uniform, to reflect that he was at war. After he tried it on, an assistant tried to cut his hair, which he refused -- however when he saw his reflection in the suit, he changed his mind, to Tindwyl's satisfaction. She also had him wear a silver circlet as a symbol of authority. Once the seamstresses were dismissed, he thanked her, under the impression that this was all she planned to do.
They began discussing Elend's duelling lessons, but were interrupted by Demoux, bearing news of [[Allrianne]]'s arrival.{{book ref|mb2|20}}
==== Sazed's Return ====
When Sazed arrived at Luthadel bringing news of [[Jastes Lekal]]'s army not long after, Tindwyl waited for him in his chambers so that they could speak privately. Sazed noted that she responded to his request to aid Elend, and she in return observed that he had ignored her own request. After a brief discussion of Elend, she expressed her disappointment in Sazed for returning to the [[Central Dominance]] despite the instructions given to him by the [[Synod]] to teach in the [[Eastern Dominance]]. Sazed, however, was adamant about remaining in the city as he had a 'greater work' to see through, much to Tindwyl's exasperation. She realised he was still looking into his theory that something was wrong with the mists, and an argument ensued -- Tindwyl believing he had created an issue where there was none; Sazed maintaining his stance on returning to the city. He pointed out that while he could be wrong, the last time he had disobeyed the Synod's orders it had ended in the [[Collapse]]. Tindwyl seemed annoyed by this, expressing her confusion at how he should have been a leader among the Terris but was instead a rebel. She made to leave, but when she passed by him she took his hand in hers. They looked at each other for a moment, before she shook her head and left.{{book ref|mb2|23}}
==== Dress Shopping ====
The following morning, Tindwyl arrived in Vin’s rooms. Vin, who had been warned of an intruder’s entry by [[TenSoon]] (then disguised as [[OreSeur]]), was waiting for her with knives at the ready. She demanded to know the purpose of Tindwyl’s visit, to which she responded that she had come to take Vin shopping -- Vin and Elend were meeting Straff the following night, and she would need a suitable dress. When Vin bristled at being ordered around, Tindwyl reassured her that it was Vin’s choice whether she wanted to come or not. Vin deliberated, but ultimately agreed.
Spook then arrived, notifying them that the members of the fledgling [[Church of the Survivor]] had found them out and were outside the shop. Tindwyl watched Vin’s reaction as she tried to hide, and then escape. Tindwyl advised her to go and talk to them instead, pointing out that they needed hope. When Vin protested that she could only give them false hope, and encourage their deification of her, Allrianne objected, noting that Vin’s shifty behaviour was what built up her reputation -- talking to the skaa would show them that she was a normal person. Vin expressed how distressed she felt by the idea of people worshipping her as they did Kelsier, and how she wanted to be left alone. Tindwyl gently but firmly told Vin that as the killer of the Lord Ruler, protégé of Kelsier and consort of the new king, she didn’t have that option. Encouraged by Tindwyl, Allrianne and Vin went out to speak with the people, and Vin reassured them of their safety. Upon returning to the shop, Tindwyl nodded in approval. Vin, on the other hand, was very distressed as she felt she had lied to them. Tindwyl said that she had merely been optimistic, but it didn’t console Vin. Tindwyl told her to just leave the city if she thought their predicament was so hopeless. When Vin protested that she hadn’t meant it that way, Tindwyl exasperatedly told her to make a decision on whether she did or didn’t believe in the city, going on to shake her head at Vin and Elend’s indecisiveness. Vin pointed out that Tindwyl had said she wouldn’t be harsh with her, to which Tindwyl responded that she had difficulty with that at times. They then moved on to finish Allrianne’s fitting.{{book ref|mb2|25}}
==== A King Deposed ====
When the Assembly invoked the charter’s no-confidence clause, deposing Elend, Tindwyl sternly expressed her anger with Elend for including a clause in the law he himself wrote, allowing such a thing to happen. She strongly reprimanded him, though he maintained his stance that he had done the right thing by including it in the law. At the crew meeting held to decide their next step, Tindwyl refused to accept that he was no longer king and backed Clubs’s suggestion of enforcing martial law in order to maintain his throne. When Tindwyl again chastised him and called him a fool, Elend finally snapped, telling her to stop calling him foolish. Tindwyl ceased protesting at sat down once again. Elend detailed his plan for dealing with the situation lawfully. Tindwyl pointed out that there was nothing wrong with securing his throne during turbulent times, but Elend was adamant not to enforce his rule on the people of Luthadel if they didn’t want him. Tindwyl found this sentiment naive, but Elend remained firm. When Tindwyl asked what he would do if he could not regain his throne through lawful means, he responded that he accept this, and carry on helping the kingdom in whatever way he could. Elend went on to explain the legalities of his deposement, and the ways in which his throne could be restored. Tindwyl sceptically asked him if this was the time for a legal battle, what with the the two armies besieging them and the Koloss army on its way to do the same. Elend pointed out that it was highly likely his deposement had been orchestrated by one of the enemy armies as he was the only one stopping the Assembly from giving Luthadel up.
Tindwyl was among Elend’s entourage at the Assembly meeting following his removal from office, and had helped him to prepare his speech. This speech was crafted to reinforce his link to Kelsier by putting a spotlight on Vin. Seated in the audience, Ham asked Vin whether she was comfortable with this. When she assented half-heartedly, Tindwyl elaborated on Elend’s rationale, explaining that in his speech he implied that their new government was founded by Kelsier in the hope that this would stop people from trying to tamper with it. Afterward, when Elend does not try to persuade the Assembly to restore his place as monarch as he was supposed to do in his speech, Tindwyl frowns and does not seem to think this is a good choice.{{book ref|mb2|31}}
==== Cett's Gamble ====
[[Ashweather Cett]]’s arrival in the city and his subsequent election as a candidate for the throne sparked Elend’s desire to find information on the man, as well as possible ways of preventing his appointment as king. Later, in Elend’s study, Tindwyl observed him, [[Noorden]], Ham and Sazed as they combed through various texts. However, participating in the research seemed to be too much in the territory of politics for her. As they discussed Cett and his potential reign, Elend commented that they should have just gone along with the crew’s initial plan of handing the city over to Cett, rather than his own idea of playing Cett and Straff against each other, as it seemed the people wanted Cett as king. Sazed, however, said that it was not Elend’s duty to do as the people wanted. Elend noted that he sounded like Tindwyl. Sazed observed that Tindwyl was one of the wisest people he knew. As they continued their study of the law, Sazed sighed that he could find no loopholes, pointing out that he or another of the crew would have made a note of them if they had seen any when Elend had given them the laws to proofread. This caught Tindwyl’s attention, and she asks Sazed whether he had read the law before it had been formalized. Sazed seems embarrassed by this, and Elend responds for him, confirming that he had. Tindwyl is displeased by this. Elend, annoyed by this, told Tindwyl that he would not stand for her insulting Sazed, even indirectly. She apologized to Elend, but he argues that she should apologize not to him but to Sazed, or she should leave. She chose the latter, leaving the room wordlessly.{{book ref|mb2|34}}
Tindwyl went to see Vin before she and Elend departed for their dinner with Cett a week later. She complimented Vin on her gown, telling her she looked beautiful. Vin hesitantly accepted the compliment, but pointed out that she had no jewelry anymore. Tindwyl brushed this aside, telling Vin she had no need of it. Vin brought up the topic of Elend, observing that Tindwyl’s lessons with him were growing less frequent. Tindwyl told her that Elend was close to no longer needing her instruction, although when Vin asked if this meant he was close to being like the men from Tindwyl’s biographies, Tindwyl laughed and disagreed, clarifying that in the future Elend would have to learn on his own, as much of good leadership came from experience. When Vin quietly remarked on how changed he was, Tindwyl agreed with her -- but also, that she thought Elend was already on this path, and likely would have turned out this way even without her instruction. Vin, gazing at her reflection at the pretty gown, said that this was what she had to become, for Elend. Tindwyl agreed, but added that it was also for Vin herself, remarking that this was where Vin had been headed before her attention had been drawn by other things. Vin turned to Tindwyl, asking whether she would be accompanying them; Tindwyl said no, then pushed Vin to go and join Elend.{{book ref|mb2|35}}
==== Last Lesson ====
Tindwyl gave Elend his final lesson a few days after this.{{book ref|mb2|37}}{{bws ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-thirty-six/|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 36|date=June 7, 2008}}
==== Kwaan’sA InscriptionNight of Study ====
That night,{{bws ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-thirty-six/|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 36|date=June 7, 2008}}{{book ref|mb2|37}} Tindwyl found Sazed at the warehouse where the newly arrived refugees were being housed, where he had been all day. She had wondered whether Sazed had truly cared for the people of the empire -- in her opinion, if he cared he would have done as the Synod had told him rather than returning to Luthadel; seeing him with the refugees proved to her that he did care.{{bws ref|/annotation-mistborn-2-chapter-thirty-six/|Well of Ascension Annotation Chapter 36|date=June 7, 2008}} Sazed, however, felt that he did not care as much as he should. Tindwyl disagreed, and expressed how much he confused her. Noticing his exhaustion, she inquired after his [[Bronze#Feruchemical_Use|bronzemind]]. Sazed admitted that he had used up all his wakefulness in his haste to return to Luthadel. Sighing, Tindwyl finally asked him to show her what he had discovered that had caused him to run across two dominances back to the city.{{book ref|mb2|36}}
Taking his hand, Tindwyl explained that the men she had read about in her biographies were men who brought about change rather than planned how to hide -- men like Sazed. Anxious and apprehensive, she quietly asked him to give her an excuse to remain in Luthadel with him. Sazed asked her to stay. She agreed, and they resumed their study.{{book ref|mb2|37}}
==== Kwaan's Inscription ====
During their time studying the rubbing, they discussed its key points as well as what they knew of Kwaan, [[Alendi]] and [[Rashek]]. As Sazed read Kwaan’s words out to Tindwyl, she noted that some things did not make sense -- for example, why, if Kwaan feared the Deepness, did he try to stop Alendi’s quest to defeat it? They discussed further what Kwaan’s motives and reasonings were for asking Rashek to kill Alendi. Tindwyl felt that there was something wrong, though she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. They decided to analyse the rubbing further. As they did, she pointed out the inconsistency of Kwaan fearing Alendi would take the [[Well of Ascension|Well]]’s power for himself. Sazed, too, saw her problem: when Kwaan knew the temperaments of both Alendi and Rashek, why had he done what he did? As they went on, she also pointed out that it made little sense for him to fear that Alendi wouldn’t give the power up, and then to send the hateful Rashek to kill him -- orchestrating Rashek’s taking of the power for himself. Sazed argued that perhaps it was just clearer to them in hindsight, but Tindwyl was unconvinced, certain that something was wrong. They puzzled over it further, but she decided that she needed more context on Kwaan’s life before they could draw a conclusion. Sazed suggested a break, but she disagreed, saying that they had not time -- both of them sensed the city’s imminent doom, to either the Koloss army or the human ones.


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