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Redirected page to Spren#Flamespren
m (Redirected page to Spren#Flamespren)
#REDIRECT [[Spren#Flamespren]]
{{spren info}}
{{quote|'But the figures,' he said, tapping the writing board. 'You said they were erratic, and they still are.'<br /><br />
'Yes,' she said, narrowing her eyes at the flamespren. 'But I can predict when they will be erratic and when they won't be.'|[[Ashir]] and [[Geranid]], about measurements of flamespren size{{ref|b|sa1|i|8}}}}
'''Flamespren''' are a type of [[spren]] from [[Roshar]] that are attracted to fire.
They are described as looking "like insects made solely of congealed light."{{ref|b|sa1|prologue}}
Flamespren are attracted to any size flame, whether a torch,{{ref|b|sa1|prologue}} a small camp fire,{{ref|b|twok|c|73}} or a full hearth fire.{{ref|b|twok|c|8}} Their motions are often described as "dancing," and despite being a common variety of spren, they can be elusive and refuse to appear.{{ref|b|twok|i|5}} It is also implied that there is a mathematical relationship between the luminosity of a flamespren and the luminosity of the fire around which it appears.{{ref|b|sa1|i|8}}
In addition, flamespren were the subjects of research performed by Geranid, an [[ardent]] and spren researcher. Geranid--with help from her husband Ashir--discovered that although the size of flamespren was usually variable, if the length of a particular flamespren was measured and written down, its length would remain fixed within limits of the notation's accuracy, until the measurement was erased. It is yet unknown if all [[spren]] share this property, although Geranid theorized that taking measurements of other traits, such as luminosity and shape, would similarly lock those attributes. Ashir implies that this discovery could change everything then known about spren and even [[fabrial|fabrials]].{{ref|b|sa1|i|8}}
== Notes ==
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