Diferencia entre revisiones de «Eila Stele»

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== Cosmere Significance ==
The Eila Stele was the key to the refounded [[Knights Radiant]] learning of the abandonment of the planet [[Ashyn]].{{wob ref|8243}} Ashyn neighbors Roshar in its solar system,{{map ref|Rosharsistema systemroshariano}} and it was almost destroyed through mankind's use of the [[Dawnshard]]s and [[Surgebinding]].{{book ref|sa3|113}}{{wob ref|9464}}{{book ref|sa4|111}} The Heralds were among the humans who abandoned Ashyn.{{wob ref|11945}} The [[Stormfather]] tells Dalinar that during the [[False Desolation]], the original Knights Radiant learned of Ashyn's fate, leading them to question the use of Surgebinding powers.{{book ref|sa3|113}} They were urged on by [[Honor]], but after [[Aharietiam]], Honor was dying and no longer cogent, which led to the events of the [[Day of Recreance]].{{book ref|sa3|113}}
The information in the stele directly refutes several aspects of Vorin doctrine regarding the history of humanity.{{wob ref|8496}}{{book ref|sa4|17}} Further interaction with the Heralds and [[Fused]] have led both humans and singers to gain a better understanding of the [[Rosharan system]] and the relationship between Roshar, Ashyn, and [[Braize]].{{book ref|sa4|14}}{{book ref|sa4|17}}{{book ref|sa4|89}} Some Rosharans have had to reexamine their belief system in light of this information, as Vorin concepts such as the the Expulsion, Voidbringers, [[Damnation]], and the Tranquiline Halls have proven to be incorrect or only loosely based in fact.{{book ref|sa4|17}}{{book ref|sa4|89}}


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