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(It is from a Shard we know; see the second sentence of the article. It is not one of the unknown ones.)
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It is possible that this is the metal referred to by [[Miles Hundredlives]] in his final words as "the final metal."
Trellium is the god metal, or an alloy of the god metal, of a Shard other than Preservation or Ruin.{{wob ref|13226}}{{book ref|mb5|epilogue}} It is not known which of the sixteen Trell is (or if he even is one). It is not of [[Ambition]], as she was unknown at the time trellium first appeared,{{wob ref|6261}} and it has been confirmed to not be of [[Endowment]].{{wob ref|4389}} It is almost certainly not the god metal of [[Devotion]], [[Dominion]], or [[Honor]] as they are all [[Splinter]]ed, which leaves [[Autonomy]], [[Cultivation]], and [[Odium]] as the only possibilities. Cultivation has exhibited few sign of interest in affairs beyond [[Roshar]] and it seems unlikely that she was responsible for the metal. Odium does have a history of acting against other Shards and is making plans to move against Harmony,{{wob ref|7319}} which makes him a reasonable candidate for the Shard responsible for trellium. On the other hand, he had always planned to not Invest himself in a planet,{{wob ref|227}} and he might be reluctant to commit the Investiture required to create trellium, especially while he is waging the [[True Desolation]] on Roshar. Additionally, [[Odium]] already has a metal refered to on [[Roshar]] as [[Raysium]], its appearance does not match that of Trellium, although it may be an alloy. [[Raysium]] exhibits investiture channeling. While this may allow for the creation of a perfect Hemalurgic spike with some of the properties of Trellium, this seams less likely than it did before we had a sample of [[Raysium]] to compare to. The metals do seamed to be linked to the shard bearers though, so it is possible a different bearer of [[Odium]]s power may have created a new metal. Given that the metal allowed Paalm to operate free from Harmony's influence, however, it is also quite possible that trellium is of Autonomy. Notably, Autonomy is known to be interested in operating on many worlds, and has avatars on [[First of the Sun]] and [[Obrodai]];{{wob ref|8902}}{{epigraph ref|sa3|50}} [[Trell (Trellism)|Trell]] may be an avatar of Autonomy manifesting on Scadrial.
== Trivia ==
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