Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Jarno87/Adolin»

The expedition into past tense
(Put the Duel into the past)
(The expedition into past tense)
==== The Expedition ====
Adolin iswas present with Shallan at the feast when Navani's recordings of Dalinar's visions arewere exposed. {{book ref|sa2|67}} Adolin managesmanaged to roll out an entire strike force and his father to accompany Shallan so she cancould study a chasmfiend chrysalis. Adolin and Kaladin discussdiscussed the Assassin in White as they gowent, deciding that they cancould slow him with arrows if he attacksattacked out here on the plains. Kaladin tellstold Adolin that Szeth can heal himself and thus he should always go for the kill when fighting him. Adolin also awkwardly triestried and failsfailed to get Kaladin to reveal his secret, but when Kaladin asksasked him if he trusts himtrustsedhim, Adolin says he doesdid.
When Shallan comes over to them, she kisseskissed Adolin's cheek, much to his surprise, as Alethi are not so publicly affectionate. When she rhetorically asksasked why the moss iswas growing weird on a rock, he repliesreplied that it's because of alcohol in an attempt at being funny. Shallan asksasked Adolin to slay the moss for her and he bemusedly doesdid so, cutting the top of the rock off with his Shardblade,. He then leavesleft Kaladin to watch over her as he goeswent to get something to drink. While he's was gone he letslet the darkeyed waterboys try on his Shardplate helmet. Later, when the carpenter destroysdestroyed the bridge, Adolin ran to try to stop him and grabbed his father but was unable to save Shallan or Kaladin who fell into the chasms. {{book ref|sa2|68}}
When Adolin learnslearned that Shallan iswas alive, he rushesrushed to her apartments. Though he initiatesinitiated the hug, the first time he's ever initiated any physical affection, Shallan iswas the one who initiatesinitiated the kiss. When Shallan asksasked where he'd been, he tellstold her he washad been delivering his father's ultimatum to finish the [[Vengeance Pact]] to the other Highprinces. Dalinar thought it would keep Adolin occupied while grieving over Shallan. Adolin promisespromised he'lld never let anything happen to Shallan again and she tellstold him she appreciates his concern, but doesdid not want that from him. While confused about this, he backsbacked her up when Navani promisespromised something similar. {{book ref|sa2|75}}
Setting out for the Parshendi's settlement, Adolin ridesrode with Shallan and her guards. {{book ref|sa2|76}} Adolin purposefully gave her one of his slower horses to ride because she told him she had little experience riding. {{book ref|sa2|77}} He iswas also present at Dalinar's interrogation of Rlain, who revealsrevealed there iswas something wrong with the Parshendi, though he doesdid not know their plans. {{book ref|sa2|79}}
==== The Battle of Narak ====
