Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Jarno87/Adolin»

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Changed the tense to past for the battle of Narak
(The expedition into past tense)
(Changed the tense to past for the battle of Narak)
Adolin was present with Shallan at the feast when Navani's recordings of Dalinar's visions were exposed.{{book ref|sa2|67}} Adolin managed to roll out an entire strike force and his father to accompany Shallan so she could study a chasmfiend chrysalis. Adolin and Kaladin discussed the Assassin in White as they went, deciding that they could slow him with arrows if he attacked out here on the plains. Kaladin told Adolin that Szeth can heal himself and thus he should always go for the kill when fighting him. Adolin also awkwardly tried and failed to get Kaladin to reveal his secret, but when Kaladin asked him if he trustsedhim, Adolin says he did.
When Shallan comescame over to them, she kissed Adolin's cheek, much to his surprise, as Alethi are not so publicly affectionate. When she rhetorically asked why the moss was growing weird on a rock, he replied that it's because of alcohol in an attempt at being funny. Shallan asked Adolin to slay the moss for her and he bemusedly did so, cutting the top of the rock off with his Shardblade. He then left Kaladin to watch over her as he went to get something to drink. While he was gone he let the darkeyed waterboys try on his Shardplate helmet. Later, when the carpenter destroyed the bridge, Adolin ran to try to stop him and grabbed his father but was unable to save Shallan or Kaladin who fell into the chasms.{{book ref|sa2|68}}
When Adolin learned that Shallan was alive, he rushed to her apartments. Though he initiated the hug, the first time he's ever initiated any physical affection, Shallan was the one who initiated the kiss. When Shallan asked where he'd been, he told her he had been delivering his father's ultimatum to finish the [[Vengeance Pact]] to the other Highprinces. Dalinar thought it would keep Adolin occupied while grieving over Shallan. Adolin promised he'd never let anything happen to Shallan again and she told him she appreciates his concern, but did not want that from him. While confused about this, he backed her up when Navani promised something similar.{{book ref|sa2|75}}
{{for|Battle of Narak}}
Adolin deliversdelivered the news that the Parshendi numbernumbered at least ten thousand to the Highprinces before the battle. {{book ref|sa2|80}} At the start of the battle, Dalinar commandscommanded Adolin to take his force and stop the Parshendi's singing at all costs. He's was accompanied by [[Skar]] and [[Drehy]] of Bridge Four as his guards. When Adolin crossescrossed the bridge to engage the Parshendi, they summonsummoned up lightning and killkilled Sureblood, knocking Adolin from his saddle. He grievesgrieved for a moment over the Ryshadium before charging back into the battle and commanding his troops. He discoversdiscovered that the Parshendi's lightning actsacted like nauralnatural lightning and willwould often miss targets by going into the ground. He also discoversdiscovered that their lightning doesdid not affect Shardplate. {{book ref|sa2|81}}
The Parshendi trytried to immobilize Adolin by lassoing him with ropes, but he managesmanaged to cut through them and fendfended the Parshendi off. The Parshendi arewere engaging Adolin in teams to keep him out of the battle where he'd be the most deadly. When [[Perel]], the man he had placed as field commander, callscalled for the flank's retreat, Adolin guardsguarded it in case the Parshendi pursuepursued. Perel tellstold him neither side is making headway and that he iswas worried about the singing Parshendi reserves up against a rock formation in the middle of the plateau. Adolin cancould no longer feel the Thrill, which he passespassed off as just being tired. Adolin remembersremembered what Shallan said about the rock formations being hollow and devisesdevised a plan to go through the formation with a battalion. {{book ref|sa2|82}}
Adolin and a thousand men gowent through the crem encrusted building to the wall the Parshendi singers arewere hiding against. He cutscut two holes in the wall for his men to exit through, the first one goingwent unnoticed because of all the chanting and rain, but the second was noticed. He chargescharged into the Parshendi and startsstarted cutting them down. He likenslikened it to killing sleeping men and reflectsreflected on how attacking ordinary soldiers with Shards was doing dirty work. Despite winning the plateau, the Parshendi's expressions of horror haunthaunted him as he cutscut them down, feeling nauseated. Though he's was caught unawares by Eshonai and her attack, he mentally thanksthanked her for her arrival, glad to have an honest fight on his hands. {{book ref|sa2|83}}
Fighting Eshonai, Adolin sensessensed the Thrill in her and usesused this to his advantage in their duel, luring her to the edge of the plateau. Though Eshonai managesmanaged to break his vambrace, Adolin knocksknockd her off the edge of the plateau and down into the chasms. This gambit breaksbroke his helm and nearly topplestoppled him over the edge as well but he iswas caught and saved by Drehy and Skar.
While jogging across the bridge to find out what was going on with the rest of the army, Adolin grabsgrabbed the arm of a man in a thick cloak who he assumesassumed iswas delivering something and asksasked where his father is. When the hood falls off Adolin discoversdiscovered the man is the Assassin in White. {{book ref|sa2|84}}
Szeth throwsthrew a badly beaten Adolin through one of the tents and Adolin landslanded near his father, most of his Plate broken or cracked. Dalinar cradlescradled Adolin as Szeth approachesapproached and tellstold him to be a better man than he washad been and to not play the games of the other lighteyes, before getting up and approaching Szeth. Adolin triestried to stop him, but with so much of his Plate broken, he strugglesstruggled to get up. He watcheswatched his father and Szeth fight and eventually managesmanaged to stand. Drehy and Skar helphelped him remove his armor. Once it's off, he runsran to save his father, who was knelt in defeat before Szeth, but [[Roion]] getsgot there before him and iswas Lashed upwards to the sky by Szeth. Wearing no Shardplate, Adolin engagesengaged Szeth. Dalinar and Adolin both rushrushed Szeth, hoping to score a lucky blow, but Szeth fliesflew out of the way. Szeth managesmanaged to land a hand on Dalinar in the fight and LashesLashed him upwards into the storm. Crying, Adolin beginsbegan to rush Szeth but the assassin pointspointed his [[Honorblade]] at Adolin and tellstold him it iswas finished and that he iswas done. Adolin movesmoved to hit him but Szeth parriesparried the blow, breaking Adolin's wrist. He hitshit him in the chest, knocking the air from Adolin's lungs, and says he cancould kill one more. Before Szeth cancould, however, Kaladin landslanded with Dalinar in his grasp, safe. {{book ref|sa2|85}}
Kaladin chaseschased after Szeth into the storm and Adolin, upon confirming Kaladin iswas one of the Knights Radiant, laughslaughed and exclaims that he knew there was something wrong with the man. Dalinar sendssend Adolin to help organize the army's move to Shallan's plateau. When he getsgot to the plateau, he meetsmet up with Shallan and discoversdiscovered she is a Radiant as well. They try using Adolin's Shardblade to open the Oathgate, but it doesndidn't work and they instead useused [[Pattern]] in his Shardblade form. They both useused their weight to work the mechanism, pushing the blade around the circle until it stood above the picture of Urithiru. When Shallan removesremoved Pattern from the slot, the Oathgate activatesactivated. Once transported, they discoverdiscovered the entire plateau was the portal. {{book ref|sa2|86}}
=== The True Desolation (1174-) ===


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