Diferencia entre revisiones de «Usuario:Jarno87/Adolin»

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Put the Duel into the past
(The second part of dating Shallan into past tense)
(Put the Duel into the past)
[[File:The Impossible Odds by Randy Vargas.jpg|thumb|right|300px|<center><small>by {{a|Randy Vargas}}</small></center> Adolin and [[Kaladin]] during the duel]]
Before the duel, Adolin goeswent through his rituals, burning the prayer Shallan wrotehad written for him and praying himself. Navani expressesexpressed her worry, particularly over the terms that the duel shall end with surrender rather than breaking the shardplate. When Renarin doesdid his check that Adolin has followed his routine, they discoverdiscovered that Adolin's mother's chain iswas missing. This momentarily throwsthrew Adolin off balance, though he startsstarted to recover as they put on his plate. When his opponents enterentered the ring, there are four of them rather than the two that Adolin had assumed. Instead of forfeiting, Adolin signalssignalled for the duel to commence. He recognizesrecognized the three Shardbearers Relis broughthad broughdt with him: Elit, [[Abrobadar]] and Jakamav. {{book ref|sa2|56}}
Adolin attacksattacked, trying to minimize any attempt they havehad to assess and respond. He doesdid alright for a while but eventually becomesbecame overwhelmed. When he attemptsattempted to yield the Shardbearers stopstopped him and Highjudge Istow doesndidn't, or chooseshad choosen not to, hear him. Adolin realizesrealized that if he leavesleft the duel alive he'd be doing so as a cripple. Renarin joinsjoined the duel with just his shardblade and Adolin triestried to convince him to leave, but Renarin refusesrefused. Relis tellstold him that so long as Adolin doesdid not surrender or would make his cousin end the duel, Abrobadar willwould not hurt Renarin but if Adolin doesdid attempt any of those things Renarin willwould die. {{book ref|sa2|56}}
Kaladin joinsjoined the duel as well, keeping the duel still at a disadvantage. He getsgot to Adolin and the two form a plan: Kaladin willwould keep one distracted and keep an eye on Renarin if he cancould while Adolin takestook on the other two. Adolin tellstold him that they might use Renarin as leverage against them, so they needneeded to be prepared for it. Two-on-one actually seemsseemed to be an even match for Adolin. Adolin managesmanaged to break Elit's breastplate, incapacitating him, and Kaladin forcesforced him to surrender. When Elit surrenderssurrendered, Abrobadar abandonsabandoned Renarin and joinsjoined Relis and Jakamav in fighting Adolin. When Kaladin runsran to help, Relis and Jakamav abandonabandoned Adolin to take out Kaladin. When they do so, Adolin usesused the opportunity this provided to defeat Abrobadar and then jumpsjumped on Jakamav from behind. andHis proceedsplate toran wrestleout him.of Hisstormlight plateand lockslocked and they both tumbletumbled to the ground. {{book ref|sa2|57}}
Relis goeswent to attack Renarin and Kaladin managesmanaged to stop his blade. Relis, hearing the screams of his shardblade when Kaladin touches the blade, runsran screaming from the arena, thus abandoning the duel. This leavesleft only Jakamav, who Adolin is pinned beneath, restraining him. Kaladin putsput his knife to Jakamav and forcesforced him to surrender. Adolin makesmade Kaladin help him out of his Shardplate. When Elhokar offersoffered the King's Boon, Adolin requestsrequested The Right of Challenge against Sadeas. Before Elhokar cancould offer it, Kaladin interruptsinterrupted by requesting The Right of Challenge against Amaram.{{book ref|sa2|57}} They arewere unable to pin down the duel and Sadeas respondsresponded that he willwould answer the challenge in a year's time, which iswas too late for House Kholin.{{book ref|sa2|58}}
Adolin lockslocked himself up on the third day of Kaladin's imprisonment in protest. {{book ref|sa2|59}} He communicatescommunicated with Shallan via spanreed, asking her to come visit him because he's was bored. He usesused an ardent rather than one of his father's scribes because he doesdid not want Shallan to get jealous. Adolin tellstold her that his father iswas planning an expedition to eliminate the Parshendi once and for all and that he had managed to convince Dalinar to bring Shallan along. {{book ref|sa2|63}}
Though he's was wearing several weeks growth of beard on his face, Adolin had had cold baths and even worehad worn cologne while in prison. When Kaladin asksasked him why he locked himself up, Adolin said it didn't seem right that Kaladin was in there, especially after saving his life. When Kaladin apologizesapologized for ruining the plan, Adolin tellstold him that it was Elhokar who did, not him. He even believesbelieved Kaladin about Amaram unquestioningly, stating the man seemsseemed too perfect and iswas thus hiding something. When they exitexited the prison, Bridge Four and Adolin's armorers arewere waiting. Adolin presentspresented Kaladin with a Plate and Blade but Kaladin offersoffered them to Moash instead. Pulling him aside Adolin asksasked him why and Kaladin tellstold him he doesndid't want his life to change because he iswas lighteyed, he wantswanted to change the lives of people like him and he cannotcould not do that as a lighteyes. When Adolin pressespressed that the Assassin in White will return, Kaladin tellstold him he'lld be more useful without the shards.{{book ref|sa2|66}}
==== The Expedition ====


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