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== Appearance ==
The koloss are physically very large and very powerful. Koloss have blue skin and red eyes.{{book ref|mb2|19}} A full-sized koloss could grow to be as tall as twelve feet. AKoloss younghave kolossa hasfixed allamount theof skin asthat itdoes would come to havenot inchange itsover latertheir lifelifetime. Because of this, the younger a koloss is, the fatter it appears, due to having so much baggy skin covering itself. The skin itself doesn't hold terribly well to the koloss' body.{{book ref|mb2|19}} As the koloss grow taller, their skin tears and fits tightly to them. An ancient koloss will have little to no skin at all, being covered instead in leather wrappings.{{book ref|eltania}} A koloss continuously grows until its death. When it reaches about twelve feet, its heart can no longer sustain its body, and it dies shortly thereafter.
== Creation and reproduction==
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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