Diferencia entre revisiones de «ReAlba (planeta)»

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The singular "Human War" is correct here since it's specifically referring to the Third Human War.
m (missing letter)
m (The singular "Human War" is correct here since it's specifically referring to the Third Human War.)
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Very little is known about it. The atmosphere is breathable for humans, although it has a distinct smell, both floral and acrid.{{book ref|sky2|8}} The entire world is ruled by a single government, the Unity of UrDail, a client state, but not a member, of the Superiority. It seems to have no singular leader, but rather a group of UrDail making decisions as a collective.{{book ref|sky2|33}} [[Cytonics]] are extremely rare there, with [[Alanik]] being the only citizen with the ability.{{book ref|sky2|8}}
During the Third [[Human WarsWar]], ReDawn was allied with humanity, though in the current times, this period is called an occupation by the Unity.{{book ref|sky2|8}} As a result, some of the locals speak fluent Mandarin and English, and the native language has come to resemble the latter.{{book ref|sky2|10}}{{book ref|sky2|8}} It has also raised some doubts within the Superiority as to whether the UrDail were fit to join them.{{book ref|sky2|10}}
== Notes ==

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