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(Slipped through the cracks on getting spolier and update tags when page got moved.)
| [[Spensa]]{{book ref|skyward|54}}
The '''delvers''', sometimes called the '''eyes''', are ancient, extra-dimensional beings that live in the [[nowhere]], the space beyond the world whereutilized matterby doesn't exist, but which is accessible tonumerous [[cytonicscytonic]] users. Until old recordings are discovered at [[Platform Prime]] the Defiants referred to the delver as 'the eyes' as this is what they appeared as to cytonics when using their powersabilities.{{book ref|skywardsky1|54}}{{wob ref|12913}}{{book ref|sky2|4}}
== Appearance and Behavior ==
The eyes can be seen by cytonics who attempt to use their powers. Initially, they appear as hundreds of pinpricks of light across a vast blackness, which open to reveal small, white eyes that watch the cytonic.{{book ref|skyward|43}} The effect is often compared the the attention of the entire universe suddenly focusing on the cytonic.{{book ref|skyward|40}} The longer one obseves the eyes, the larger they seem to appear.{{book ref|skyward|52}} Perceiving the eyes leaves a person with a sense of cold that persists for hours afterwards.{{book ref|skyward|epilogue}}
=== In the nowhere ===
The appearance of the eyes is preceded and accompanied by a pleasant sound, akin to a thousand musical notes playing together in harmony. It grows louder the closer one is to seeing the eyes.{{book ref|skyward|1}}{{book ref|skyward|43}}
The eyesDelvers can be seen by cytonics who attempt to use their powers. Initially, they appear as hundreds of pinpricks of light across a vast blackness, which open to reveal small, white eyes that watch the cytonic.{{book ref|skywardsky1|43}} The effect is often compared the the attention of the entire universe suddenly focusing on the cytonic.{{book ref|skywardsky1|40}} The longer one obseves the eyes, the larger they seem to appear.{{book ref|skywardsky1|52}} Perceiving the eyes leaves a person with a sense of cold that persists for hours afterwards.{{book ref|skywardsky1|epilogue}}
The appearance of thedelver eyes is preceded and accompanied by a pleasant sound, akin to a thousand musical notes playing together in harmony. It grows louder the closer one is to seeing the eyesthem.{{book ref|skywardsky1|1}}{{book ref|skywardsky1|43}}
The cytonics can sense what the eyes feel. The entities appear to be hateful, despising the one they observe, and grow moreso the longer the cytonic holds their attention.{{book ref|skyward|48}}{{book ref|skyward|52}} They are also capable of "knowing" a person upon prolonged contact, and assessing the person's action in regard to their own wishes. What those wishes are at the moment is unknown, although it appears they are opposed to humanity's survival.{{book ref|skyward|54}}
=== In physical space ===
When sufficiently antagonized by cytonics, delvers can emerge into the real space. The emergence begins as a distortion in reality from which everything manifests. The second step is the '''core''', or the '''heart''', which from the outside appears as a sphere of pure black. Afterwards the '''delver maze''' forms around it -- a confusing, seemingly-random array of dark, hollow spires jutting out in various directions, connecting together to form a network of traversible tunnels. Finally, the delver maze is enveloped by a dense cloud of '''particulate dust''', in which storms rage, with strikes of lightning casting lights of various colours, mostly red.{{book ref|sky2|41}}
A fully manifested delver is titanic in scale; the one summoned by [[Brade]] is somewhere between a massive moon and a small planet, while the called by humans in ancient past was capable of enveloping the entirety of [[Detritus]].{{book ref|sky2|41}}{{book ref|sky2|4}}
==== Interior ====
The inside of the delver is extremely chaotic, with the particulate cloud in a state of perpetual storm, crippling both vision and communications. Any person that enters the maze will start to hallucinate, seeing passages and objects that aren't there. The hallucinations are different for every person -- as such, they are generally ineffective against groups capable of coordination, or [[dione]] drafts.{{book ref|sky2|43}}
At the center of the maze lies the heart, protected by an illusory membrane. Unlike the rest of the delver, the area immediately surrounding it has atmosphere breathable to air-using species, like humans or diones. A black hole leads into the heart proper, which is black on the outside, and utterly white on the inside.{{book ref|sky2|43}} The heart is a place of perfect serenity, white and peaceful, free of any disturbance, although cytonic and radio activity forms small holes in its walls. The holes appear to be inherently unpleasant to all who perceive them and make distressing sounds.{{book ref|sky2|44}}
The delver mind resides within the heart; while its true shape is uncertain, it seems to take the form of the person who perceives it.{{book ref|sky2|44}}
== Abilities and behavior ==
=== Hatred of cytonics ===
| They would not ever leave me alone, and I wanted so badly just to smash them. To smother them beneath my foot so they'd stop piling, and crawling, and clicking, and snapping, and biting, and corrupting, and—
| Delver's thoughts, as perceived by [[Spensa]]{{book ref|sky2|25}}
Delvers are incapable of most emotions; rather, they reflect all that they sense outside.{{book ref|sky2|44}} This being said, they can hear and perceive any intrusion into the [[nowhere]]. It appears to cause them immense pain; as such, they utterly despise cytonics, and grow more hateful the longer one holds their attention.{{book ref|sky2|31}}{{book ref|sky1|48}} Extreme and prolonged cytonics "screaming" can and will cause them to transition to the physical world in an attempt to quiet it down.{{book ref|sky2|40}}
Once delvers leave nowhere, they can also hear radio communications, causing the same hateful reaction as cytonics. They perceive both types of signals as noise, causing them to grow aggressive and go after the strongest source in vicinity.{{book ref|sky2|43}} When they are done, or otherwise run out of targets, delvers will roam space for anywhere between several years to several decades before fading back to nowhere.{{book ref|sky2|10}}
It's heavily implied that delvers do not understand that the noises are caused by living, sapient creature; the revelation of it seems to cause at least one of them considerable distress and make it depart back into nowhere of its own volition mid-attack.{{book ref|sky2|44}}
=== Tangibility and deadliness ===
Delvers have a strange relationship with tangibility -- while the delver maze has discernible, unpassable walls and floors, the delver itself can seemingly pass through physical matter, allowing it to envelop entire planets.{{book ref|sky2|4}}{{book ref|sky2|43}} However, standard shields, such as ones mounted on starfighters, can stop the delver from passing through a ship of a person.{{book ref|sky2|21}}
When a delver does pass through a living being, it causes the latter incredible physical pain. The person affected appears to shrink and fold in on themselves, as though under enormous force, before quickly vanishing. This apparently doesn't require any effort or attention from a delver; as such, it can cause incredible destruction simply by passing over an inhabited area.{{book ref|sky2|4}}
=== Cytonic abilities ===
Despite their hatred of [[cytonics]], delvers seem to have at least some of their abilties, including:
* '''Illusions''': much like "mind holograms" used by the [[Krell]] to deceive human cytonics, delvers can create illusions for people that enter their mazes. The illusions are extremely chaotic, overwhelming and nonsensical; however, each is specific to a particular person. As such, two minds are required to discern them from reality.{{book ref|sky2|43}}
* '''Sense''': delvers do not possess any discernible eyes; rather, they perceive cytonic and radio signals as sounds.{{book ref|sky2|44}}
* '''Detecting cytonics''': delves are capable of sensing other cytonics, both in nowhere and, seemingly, in physical space.{{book ref|sky1|54}}{{book ref|sky2|43}}
* '''Teleportation''': delvers are capable of FTL travel while in physical space, and can jump between star systems in an instant.{{book ref|sky2|42}}
Additionally, delvers possess strong telekinetic abilties. They can somehow create and control '''embers''', large rocks akin to asteroids, and shoot them outside of themselves at targets.{{book ref|sky2|43}} Close by, as well as within their base, they have much greater control, and can use embers to chase down and destroy ships.{{book ref|sky2|22}}
=== Direct contact ===
| I saw planets, I saw star systems, I saw galaxies. I saw the scrambling, useless, tiny little insects that covered them like chittering hives. I felt revulsion. Hatred for these pests that infested the worlds.
| [[Spensa]] after experiencing a delver{{book ref|sky2|25}}
When a delver and a non-delver cytonic's minds meet, there's a level of mental "pollution"; the cytonic will begin to perceive the noise of the world at large as distinctly unpleasant, and feel hatred towards other living beings, along with a distinct sense of megalomania. The cytonic's mind also appears to expand, as though they can perceive the entire universe all at once. Such thoughts vanish within several moments.{{book ref|sky2|25}} The effect is amplified when the cytonic comes into direct physical contact with the delver's mind.{{book ref|sky2|44}}
On the other hand, at least within the heart, a cytonic can push their own thoughts onto a delver, bringing their mind down in scale to see from a living beings' perspective. This correlates with increase in empathy in the delver, and sudden ability to feel more emotions and have more human-like emotions, including regret and horror.{{book ref|sky2|44}}
== Safeguards ==
== Trivia ==
* Brandon once began writing a science fiction novella called ''The Eyes'', inspired by [[wikipedia:Fermi paradox|Fermi paradox]], the question of why we can't find any aliens despite the statistical probability of their existence. The story remains unfinished, although a chapter of it was posted as a reward on the [[Writing Excuses]] Patreon page.{{bws ref|state-of-the-sanderson-2016|State of the Sanderson 2016|date=2016-12-19}} Its setting was eventually absorbed into the [[Skyward universe]], with one of its alien races set to appearappearing in ''[[Starsight]]''{{wob ref|12197}} Given the title, it's possible that the eyes in ''Skyward'' originated from the story.
== Notes ==
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