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(Created page with "Derethil and the Wandersail is a story that Hoid tells to Kaladin the night that Maps, a fellow bridgeman, dies. This is also the night that Kaladin find o...")
[[Derethil and the Wandersail]] is a story that [[Hoid]] tells to [[Kaladin]] the night that [[Maps]], a fellow [[bridgeman]], dies. This is also the night that Kaladin find out about the effects [[Stormlight]] has on him, and [[Teft]]'s suspicions are confirmed. The Wandersail is the boat that Derethil traveled on in the story, which was built to sail the seas during [[Highstorm]]s, a thing no other boat had done. It was nearly destroyed, shipwrecked on an island in the middle of the ocean, by a giant whirlpool where ''it is said the sea drains'' and later it is mentioned that it was fixed in the [[Uvara]] shipyards. Eventually, Derethil and his remaining crew left on the Wandersail, using the momentum of the whirlpool to get them away from it.
[[Category:Stormlight Archive]]

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