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'''Sel''' was a planet of the [[Cosmere]] and was the setting of the book [[Elantris (book)|Elantris]].
An Earth-like Shardworld, Sel was inhabited by humans and artificially created beings called [[Seon]]s and [[Skaze]]. The planet was the location of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]]. Sel was dominated by the [[Fjordell]] Empire, with [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]] being the only remaining free nations. All these nations (except theTeod island-statewhich Teodis located on a continent to the north) were situated on the continent of Opelon (named Sycla by the Fjordell Empire). Sel was orbited by one moon.
== Geography and Culture ==
=== Teoish Peninsula ===
The peninsula of another continent north of Opelon was populated by the nation of [[Teod]].<ref>{{bref|Elantris}} Map</ref> The capital of Teod was Teoin, most recently ruled by King [[Eventeo]].
Teod's martial strength was mainly in the form of it'sits navy, which dominated the northern sea, protecting it's borders from the Fjordell Empire. The Korathi religion was centered in Teod.
== Cosmere ==
The planet played resident to two [[shardShard]]s, [[Devotion]] ([[Aona]]'s Shard) and [[Dominion]] (held by [[Skai]]). [[Odium]] visited, killing both Aona and Skai, and shattering the two shards.<ref>[[The Letter]]</ref> It is also known that Hoid visited.<ref>{{bref|Elantris|c|58}}</ref>
== References ==
Synod, Editors, Keepers


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