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m (The citation was wrong, now it is correct.)
The types of magics that exist on a world depends on which Shards are present. If Endowment were to move to Scadrial, additional combinations of magics may form.{{ref|?|691|25|If Endowment went to Scadrial, would more magic's appear?}} However, Shards did not ''create'' magic systems. Ruin and Preservation did not create the Metallic Arts.{{ref|?|727|5|Is Hemalurgy dead?}} Rather, magic is a natural function of the world, a Shard’s intent, [[Realmatic]] interactions, and sometimes genetics.{{ref|?|727|45}}
Though magics are related to a Shard, that does not mean that the effect of a magic is in line with a Shard's intent. For example, Allomancy does things like Pushing and Pulling that don't bring to mind "Preserving" things. Rather, a Shard's intent determines ''how'' the magic is obtained, not its effect.{{ref|?|622|107|How is Allomancy of Preservation?}} In Hemalurgy, the method of gaining magic is spiking and it is inherently destruction, but the ''effect'' of the magic actually enhances something else. (This is the more exact, confirmed statement of {{17s|369|the Principle of Intent}}theory).
Magic systems have a [[focus]]. Metals are the focus for the Metallic Arts, Aons are the focus for AonDor, and the Commands are the focus for Awakening.<ref>[[User:Chaos2651|Chaos]]’s meeting with Brandon insists it is so.</ref> The focus seems to be related to Shards themselves, as Ruin and Preservation could not perceive metal. It is not known what determines a focus for a given Shard, or if all Shards are blind to their focus in some way.
===The Principle of Intent===
This principle states that all magic is directly related to a given Shard's intent.<ref>{{17s|369|The Principle of Intent}}</ref> [[Awakening]] endows power, so it is of [[Endowment]]; Hemalurgy ruins; and Honor's Surgebinding deals with oaths and bonds. From a Shard's intent, one can postulate a magic system’s mechanics easier.
===Shardic Sentience===

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