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The following information was confirmed by Peter Ahlstrom and Isaac Stewart to be an accurate translation of the Alethi script.
A full discussion of the translation efforts may be found Plantilla:Twg

Navani's notebook is a series of pages found in Plantilla:Bref, which was translated from Alethi into English.

== Page one ==


The cut and type of the gem determines what kind of spren are attracted to it and can be imprisoned in it. There must be thousands of possible combinations. Once a spren is captured and the gem infused with Stormlight the fabrial can be used in machines.

Pain Knife The pain knife is used as a means of protection. Sharp blades pierce an attacker’s clothing and cause crippling pain.

cold gravity pain heat wind (These are labels describing which spren are attracted to different gem cuts.)

Flamespren trapped in emerald

Removable outer covering to infuse fabrial with Stormlight


Retractable blades cause crippling pain. Dial pushes blades to four set lengths.

Page two

Examples of stormlight patterns

Patterns of stormlight filtered through the fabrial determine the power of the gem

Fabrials allow creation of things like the emotion bracelet made of ten fabrials working together

The pattern cannot be seen by the naked eye

Man betrayed by a close friend Woman who has just been proposed to Man who discovered his betrothed lies to him Mother at wedding of only son

Anticipation anger disgust sadness

love hate

joy trust fear surprise

The trick of the emotion fabrials is first learning to read it and second learning to tell if the bracelet is reading your emotions, your subject's emotions, or the emotions of the people in the next room over


Recuerda que esto es una traducción del sitio oficial. Por lo tanto, podrás encontrar páginas en inglés si el artículo no ha sido traducido todavía. No te preocupes, que estamos trabajando para traer la versión al español a la mayor brevedad posible.

Si encuentras algún fallo, por favor, visita la siguiente página.