Mitosis (Épico)

De La Coppermind
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Mitosis (Épico)
Capacidades Épico
Apodos Lawrence Robert
Mundo natal Tierra (Reckoners)

I am my own army, and I shall reign!


Mitosis is a High Epic who visits Newcago following Steelheart's death. Prior to becoming an Epic, he was known as Lawrence Robert.

Abilities and Attributes

Epic Abilities

He has the ability to duplicated himself into two identical copies of himself, who can each then divide into more duplicates without limit. As the number of duplicates increases, however, the molecular stability of each individual decreases.[1] The duplicates also have the ability to combine themselves, as a result also merging the memories of the different duplicates. This is believed to be an ability unique to Mitosis. It is also a prime invincibility, if even a single duplicate remains he can go on to live another day, giving him the rank of High Epic.[2]

Epic Weakness

If any duplicate came within earshot of a Weaponized Cupcake song they would lose molecular cohesion, their flesh literally melting from their bones.[1] If enough duplicates hear it, they all disintegrate.[3]


Before Calamity

Before the arrival of Calamity, Lawrence was a member of the band Weaponized Cupcake.[1] He was the only one in the band who was classically trained, a fact that infuriated him. He was aggravated by the fact that the lead guitarist kept playing the same chord progression over and over.[Falta cita]


Mitosis journeyed to Newcago to learn the truth surrounding Steelheart's death. He did not believe that David Charleston, an average non-Epic, was capable of killing a High Epic of Steelheart's power. He also wished to rule Newcago, stating that he was more powerful than Steelheart because Steelheart needed men to help administrate while he himself was an army of one.[1] He snuck into Newcago and started duplicating himself, each copy armed with a handgun. He threatened civilians to draw David out, then chased David through the city. David eventually figured out that Mitosis’ weakness was hearing songs by his old band, and started singing even as he was cornered. Tia sent a message via mobile to the citizens of Newcago, who came outside and started singing one of Weaponized Cupcake’s old songs, ultimately killing Mitosis for good.[4] After his death, Mitosis’ DNA was sold to Knighthawl and later obtained by Jax.[5]


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