Cámara de Razon

Revisión del 18:59 31 jul 2020 de Extremepayne (discusión | contribs.) (Finish history, create Appearance and Function. The latter needs more work)

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Cámara de Razon
Mundo de origen Tierra (Legion)

Razon's camera is a device which takes photographs of the past, developed by Balubal Razon in conjunction with Azari Laboratories.

Appearance and Function

The camera uses a special kind of flash bulb which allows it to do some form of pseudo-science and take images of scenes as they were in the past.[1]


To prove that the camera works, Razon took pictures of famous places and people during the past, such as George Washington and the Lone Cypress. These results were further validated in a lab.[2] Razon then stole the camera and took it to Jerusalem to take a picture of Jesus.[3][4] Shortly afterwards, the Abu Sayyaf captured the camera, along with Balubal himself. Balubal refused to repair the camera and was subsequently killed by the Abu Sayyaf. The escape of Monica, also captured by the Abu Sayyaf, provoked a shooting match during which all of the terrorists are shot. One didn't die, however, and pulls the pin on a grenade, thus destroying the camera.[5] However, Stephen Leeds, who had also been captured, was able to save the flash bulb.[1]

In order to re-create the camera, Stephen works with a new aspect he manifested just for this purpose, Arnaud.[1] Stephen spends many nights working on it, with Arnaud guiding his hands. By the time he went chasing after Sandra, Stephen has a working model, although it can't go back very far before the photos begin to deteriorate in quality. Arnaud was unsure how Balubal got around this limitation.[6] Later that day, Stephen gave it to Barb to take photos of the fairgrounds going back half-hours earlier that day, revealing the presence of Kyle and Sandra.[7] The camera is left in Stephen's limo while Stephen infiltrates Walters and Ostman Detention Enterprises, and afterwards, Stephen used it to take a picture in which he (but no-one else) can see his aspects.[8]


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