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==== New Seran ====
==== New Seran ====
The group arrived in New Seran, and they went to their hotel. Between Steris’ list of possible disasters, Wayne’s trading of objects, and MeLaan’s strangeness, [[Aunt Gin|the hotel owner]] was quite alarmed. Since Wax doubted his usefulness at [[Kelesina Shores's party]], Marasi borrowed Wayne to go dig through graves for ReLuur’s spike.{{book ref|bom|10}}
The group arrived in New Seran, and they went to their hotel. Between Steris’s list of possible disasters, Wayne’s trading of objects, and MeLaan’s strangeness, [[Aunt Gin|the hotel owner]] was quite alarmed. Since Wax doubted Wayne’s usefulness at [[Kelesina Shores's party]], Marasi borrowed Wayne to go dig through graves for ReLuur’s spike.{{book ref|bom|10}}

Wayne and Marasi went to a bank, Wayne planning to pose as a rich lord and his niece. Marasi however, outraged Wayne by using her constabulary badge to let them talk to the bank’s owner. Wayne swapped a rats tail with the man’s silver letter opener, and Marasi discovered than all of the city’s graveyard workers are crooked.{{book ref|bom|11}}
|Why, what happens when we have to thump some people, then run off with their ledgers? They’re gonna know it was us, and Wax’ll have to pay a big heap of compensatory fines.
|Wayne to Marasi{{book ref|bom|11}}

They went to a graveyard, and there Wayne disguised himself and Marasi, then talked to [[Dechamp]], the night gravekeeper. Wayne bribed the man into digging up ReLuur’s grave.{{book ref|bom|12}} DeChamp however, sent his young assistant to alert members of the Set. A group of gunmen arrive, and Wayne and Marasi take cover in the freshly dug up grave. DeChamp was killed, and Wayne fought back against the gunmen, defeating several and causing the rest to retreat. Afterward, he went to Dechamp’s house, and found both his ledger and his stash of booze.{{book ref|bom|14}}
Wayne and Marasi went to a bank, Wayne planning for them to pose as a rich lord and his niece. Marasi however, shocked Wayne by using her status as a constable to let them talk to the bank’s owner. Wayne swapped a rats tail with the man’s silver letter opener, and Marasi discovered than all of the city’s graveyard workers are crooked.{{book ref|bom|11}} They went to a graveyard, and there Wayne disguised himself and Marasi, then talked to [[Dechamp]], the night gravekeeper. Wayne bribed the man into digging up ReLuur’s grave.{{book ref|bom|12}} DeChamp however, sent his young assistant to alert members of the Set. A group of gunmen arrive, and Wayne and Marasi take cover in the freshly dug up grave. DeChamp was killed, and Wayne fought back against the gunmen, defeating several and causing the rest to retreat. Afterward, he went to Dechamp’s house, and found both his ledger and his stash of booze.{{book ref|bom|14}}

Both Wayne and Marasi work together to trick [[Templeton Fig]], Dechamp’s boss. They cause him to think that he is being visited by [[Marsh|Death]], who was actually Wayne in disguise. Wayne determined that the spike had been sent to the small town of [[Dulsing]], which confused him.{{book ref|bom|15}} Wax returned from the party, giving Wayne an unkeyed metalmind with a lot of healing stored in it.{{book ref|bom|17}}
Both Wayne and Marasi work together to trick [[Templeton Fig]], Dechamp’s boss. They cause him to think that he is being visited by [[Marsh|Death]], who was actually Wayne in disguise. Wayne determined that the spike had been sent to the small town of [[Dulsing]], which confused him.{{book ref|bom|15}} Wax returned from the party, giving Wayne an unkeyed metalmind with a lot of healing stored in it.{{book ref|bom|17}}

Revisión del 01:57 16 dic 2021

{{character |image=Wayne hatted smile.jpg |abilities={{tag+|bloodmaker}} & {{tag+|slider}} {{tag|twinborn}} |born=~310s PC[1] |aliases=Maxil,[1] Abrigain[2] |ethnicity=Terris |residence=Elendel |world=Scadrial |universe=Cosmere |books=Mistborn Era 2


Some mistakes though, you can’t fix by being sorry. Can’t fix them no matter what you do.


Wayne's father was a Feruchemist, and Wayne was aware of his abilities by the time he was 16, but never had access to any bendalloy or gold. Wayne had a natural talent for grabbing things without meaning to, and with encouragement from some friends he starting pick pocketing, and eventually robbed a man at gunpoint.[3] He accidentally killed the man, and was easily caught by the local lawman Jon Deadfinger. At the trial he found out that the man he killed had been a bookkeeper, charity worker, and father of three. Wax saved Wayne from being hanged, though the details of how are unknown. Ever since the two have worked together almost like a sheriff and deputy, becoming famous enough to be taught about in University. As a reaction to the death of the bookkeeper, Wayne is unable to hold a gun without his hands shaking, preferring to use dueling canes instead. He also sends half of the money he makes to the man's widow to help pay for her kids, one of whom was able to go to university. He visits Allriandre, the eldest child, at the University on the first day of every month to give her "blood money," but she has not forgiven him.[4]

Wayne spent much of his early adulthood as Wax’s partner, initially preforming smaller tasks like keeping an eye on Wax’s horse[5], though eventually became more adept at fighting, and fought alongside Wax.[Falta cita]

Investigating the Vanishers

With Wax's return to the city, Wayne was left in charge of Weathering, a small town out in the Roughs, appearing now on the trail of the Vanishers; an infamous gang of thieves renowned for their bizarre theatrics and efficiency.[1] Wayne went to Elendel to meet up with Wayne again, intruding on a meeting with Jackstom Harms and posing as Wax’s uncle. He tells Wax in private about the Vanishers, trying to convince Wax to go after them.[1]

Wax attended the Yomen-Ostlin wedding dinner, and Wayne went there disguised as a waiter.[6] The Vanishers attacked, and Wax and Wayne were forced to fight. Together they manage to quell the Vanisher attack, the survivors fleeing, carrying off Steris. In addition, the bandit leader Tarson took Wayne’s lucky hat, infuriating Wayne.[7]

Wayne infiltrated the Fourth Octant Constabulary, disguised as a constable, and interrogated a few of the captured Vanishers, pretending to be a Vanisher himself. Using his skill with accents and acting, he managed to find out the location of one of the Vanisher hideouts.[8] Wayne met with Wax and Marasi at Wax’s mansion, and Wax’s butler tries to assassinate them, using a bomb. Wayne used his abilities as a Slider to give them time to react, and Wax used his feruchemy to allow them to escape the blast by falling through the floor. Wayne used himself as a human shield, able to heal himself using his own feruchemy.[9] Using the information that Wayne had gathered, they investigated the Vanisher hideout. Though it was empty, Wayne found a cigar box that pointed them to Miles Dagouter.[3]

While on a train ride to the Outer Estates, Miles attacked their train and Wax managed to fight him off.[10] They visited Ranette for help, though Wayne received a cold reception, Ranette threatening to shoot them. Wayne bribed Ranette into letting them in, using an aluminum gun he’d stolen from the investigation scene at the wedding. Wax laid out a plan, and Wayne stole some shipping manifests.[11] Later, at a train station, Wayne disguised himself as an old lady to discover more information about the Breaknaught, a heavily protected train designed to withstand attacks from the Vanishers. Wayne and some others caused some chaos, faking an attack. Wayne used the chaos to throw a “wounded” Wax into the train car, then proceeded to lock the door.[2]

Wayne and Marasi watched the train from a hillside one evening, and observed how the Vanishers pulled off their robberies, by using a piece of machinery to swap out the train car.[12] While Wax attacked from within the train car, Wayne and Marasi followed to the Vanisher hideout to provide assistance. Wayne got into the thick of the fighting at the hideout alongside Wax, while Marasi acted as a sniper from above.[13]

Towards the end of the fighting Tarson took Marasi hostage, Wayne threw up a speed bubble for Wax, who managed to pull off a near impossible shot to kill Tarson. Wax then had a close quarters fight with Miles, Marasi discreetly burning cadmium to give Wayne time to go alert the constabulary. The constables arrived in time, and managed to capture Miles through sheer numbers.[14]

Chasing the Marksman

Some time after Miles’ capture, Wayne found Wax and told him the Marksman was on the move. They got in a motorcar with Marasi, and Wax then chased after the Marksman using Steelpushes. Wayne followed behind with Marasi, and the Marksman subsequently escaped into the slums.[15] While Marasi and Wax went to go interrogate people, Wayne used his acting skill to join in with a group of poor men living in the slums. He followed one of the men to where Marks was hiding. He attacked the building and apprehended Marks. They were attacked as they left the slums, and Marks was shot.[16]

Chasing Bleeder

Wax investigated a series of bodies at Lord Winsting’s manor, where a series of people were killed by a Steelrunner. Knowing that he’d likely need it soon, Wayne began storing up health. Wax wanted Wayne to got to The Village, but Wayne had to preform a special task he always did on the first of the month. He went to Elendel University, sneaking in to meet with Allriandre, the daughter of the man he killed. He offered her the usual monthly stipend that he gives her, and she showed him the picture of her father, forcing him to once again recite his crimes. She once again told him that he isn’t forgiven, and Wayne left.[4] Wayne and Wax visited the home of Idashwy, a known Terris Steelrunner. They found her dead with a hole in her chest. Wax and Wayne determined that the killer used Hemalurgy to steel Idashwy’s Steelrunner abilities.[17]

Wayne and Steris went to Lady ZoBell's party, but were turned away by the bouncer. Wayne used his bend alloy to determine that they were on a list of people to be kept out of the party, a petty move by the governor’s bodyguard. Wayne decided to act the part of Professor Hanlanaze, a mathematics professor, to get into the party with Marasi as his assistant. A colleague recognized him, and he threw up a speed bubble while Marasi figured out how to respond to him. Wayne bluffed the man into a hasty retreat and concentrated on eating again.[18] At the party a young woman came up to him and slapped him, saying that he stole an invention from her now-destitute father. Wax found a suspicious server and chased him, Wayne tackling him. Bleeder escaped, and Wayne stayed behind to protect the governor while Wax chased after Bleeder.[19] Wayne conducted an impersonation of the party staff, and concluded that the server Wax chased was not Bleeder, as the choice of impersonating a new waiter that nobody liked was too obvious.[20]

Wayne went to the temple of the Common Man, a very loose religion revolving around Breeze and heavily involving alcohol. The temple is a bar, and many people in the place were morose or angry. Wayne cheered up everyone there by improving their beverages, and met MeLaan. They got off well, having a belching contest before Wax arrived and interrupted them. MiLaan filled them in on more details about Bleeder, saying that they needed to take out her spike, either manually or with a serum inside of a syringe that MiLaan gave to Wax.[21] While Wax investigated Bleeder’s trail of clues, Wayne stayed to guard Governor Innate, later joined by MiLaan.[22] Wayne bonded more with MiLaan during their time guarding Innate, Wax coaching her on her accents.[23]

Rioting in Elendel

Wayne went out into the streets to blend in with an angry mob surrounding a Survivorist priest, but Bleeder uses a syringe to reveal the priest as a Kandra. Someone in the crowd recognized Wayne, and he was forced to flee the scene.[24] Upon returning to Innate’s manor, he heard Innate speaking and realized that the accent was off, revealing that he was Bleeder. [25] Wayne investigated but got too close to the window, and Bleeder spotted him. She attacked him, getting his metal minds off, dragging him, and stashing him in the closet.

Wax later found him and rescued him before chasing off after Bleeder for the final time.[26] Marasi decided that MiLaan should pose as the governor and give a speech to appease the rioting people of Elendel.[27] Due to his wound from Bleeder’s attack, Wayne stayed onstage near MiLaan in case things went wrong.[28] The speech didn’t work and the people began to riot. They stopped however, when Aradel puts MiLaan under arrest for corruption and takes control of the city, turning the crowds to his side.[29]

Death of Bleeder

After Wax returned from his chase of Bleeder, having killed her and found out that she had been Lessie all along, Wayne tried to help his friend with his grief at having killed his wife a second time. He saw the daughter of Remmingtel Tarcsel, the girl who slapped him at ZoBell’s party when he had pretended to be Hanlanaze. He recognized her father as the true inventor of the incandescent lightbulb, and offered her venture capital to help her fund her and her father’s inventions, to her extreme delight.[30]

Search for the Bands

Gonna go get smashed till I can’t piss straight. Happy weddings ‘n stuff

—Wayne’s note to Wax[31]

Wax and Steris were scheduled to have their wedding in a Survivorist church, and Wayne sent a note to Wax telling him he wouldn’t be there. Wayne had “the lads” sabatage the wedding, telling them to flood the church. They toppled an entire water tower to flood the church, and Wayne didn’t expect them to go so far. He faked being a head chef for the wedding feast, ordering around young assistants until Marasi came to reprimand him. They talked, and Wayne decided at the end of the conversation to give up on Ranette and move on.[32]

VenDell, a sixth generation Kandra who wanted to meet with Wax, decided to talk with Marasi instead. Wayne invited them over to Wax’s mansion, along with MeLaan. Wax arrived, and VenDell told them about the nature of Identity and INvestiture, and of the possibilities of unkeyed and unsealed metalminds.[32] Wayne went for a stroll through Elendel, and met Ranette to tell her that he was giving up on her.[33]

Wayne, along with Wax, Marasi, Steris, and MeLaan, traveled to New Seran. Wayne enjoyed talking with people on the train and learning new accents. He also chatted with Marasi, Marasi asking him about being in Wax’s shadow.[34] Wayne and MeLaan found a luggage compartment in the floor, and were making out for the rest of the train ride, MeLaan topless. Though the Nightstreet Gang attacked the train, Wayne and MeLaan were too distracted to realize it. They only found out only afterward when Wax found them, fearing that something had happened to Wayne. Marasi was outraged at their behavior, but Wayne and MeLaan weren’t embarrassed.[35]

New Seran

The group arrived in New Seran, and they went to their hotel. Between Steris’s list of possible disasters, Wayne’s trading of objects, and MeLaan’s strangeness, the hotel owner was quite alarmed. Since Wax doubted Wayne’s usefulness at Kelesina Shores's party, Marasi borrowed Wayne to go dig through graves for ReLuur’s spike.[36]

Why, what happens when we have to thump some people, then run off with their ledgers? They’re gonna know it was us, and Wax’ll have to pay a big heap of compensatory fines.

—Wayne to Marasi[37]

Wayne and Marasi went to a bank, Wayne planning for them to pose as a rich lord and his niece. Marasi however, shocked Wayne by using her status as a constable to let them talk to the bank’s owner. Wayne swapped a rats tail with the man’s silver letter opener, and Marasi discovered than all of the city’s graveyard workers are crooked.[37] They went to a graveyard, and there Wayne disguised himself and Marasi, then talked to Dechamp, the night gravekeeper. Wayne bribed the man into digging up ReLuur’s grave.[38] DeChamp however, sent his young assistant to alert members of the Set. A group of gunmen arrive, and Wayne and Marasi take cover in the freshly dug up grave. DeChamp was killed, and Wayne fought back against the gunmen, defeating several and causing the rest to retreat. Afterward, he went to Dechamp’s house, and found both his ledger and his stash of booze.[39]

Both Wayne and Marasi work together to trick Templeton Fig, Dechamp’s boss. They cause him to think that he is being visited by Death, who was actually Wayne in disguise. Wayne determined that the spike had been sent to the small town of Dulsing, which confused him.[40] Wax returned from the party, giving Wayne an unkeyed metalmind with a lot of healing stored in it.[41]


The group traveled by carriage to the small town of Dulsing, which has been turned into a huge construction site for some huge project. The area was well guarded, and Wayne has Wax Push him by his belt beyond the guarded border. Wayne used his healing to recover, then knocked out the power for the floodlights. Marasi, MeLaan, and Wax snuck in, and Wayne and Wax went to find Mr. Suit and Telsin.[41]

Wayne and Wax find Telsin in a guarded room,[42] and Wayne distracts the guards so that Wax can rescue her. The guards were alerted, and a massive firefight broke out. Swarms of soldiers and kill squads attacked, knowing not to stop firing at Wayne even when he feigned being killed. Wax, Wayne, MeLaan, and Marasi fought back with difficulty, and eventually escaped into the massive ship at Alek’s urging. They go into a secret compartment, and Alek gives them weight-storing medallions, which Wayne and the others can fill with weight. At Alek’s instruction, Wax Pushes the small aircraft into the air.[43] They escaped Dulsing, picking up Steris on their way out. They head towards the Sovereign’s temple, where the Set is going. On the ride there, Allik told them about himself, Southern Scadrial, the Sovereign, and the bands.[44]

The Sovereign’s Temple

They flew over Edwarn’s expedition, Wayne inadvertently alerting them by kicking a pack overboard. They arrived at the temple, finding the crashed wreckage of a South Scadrian ship. They found a statue of the Sovereign, who was holding a supposedly aluminum spear. Wayne stole the spearhead, which unbeknownst to any of them, was actually the Bands of Mourning.[45][46] There were many booby traps in the temple, and MeLaan walked through them all, triggering them but remaining unharmed. Wayne stayed behind with Marasi and Steris, and soon Edwarn came forward with a flag of parley.[47]

With Edwarn claiming to know how to open the locked door at the end of the temple and Edwarn having the small group outnumbered, they were at an impasse. Wax brought in Edwarn with the others to the door, which Edwarn helped Wax open. Inside there was an empty pedestal, with broken glass and no bands.[48] Telsin betrayed them, attacking along with Edwarn. They used an allomantic grenade and wiped Wayne and Marasi’s allomantic reserves, and Wayne got shot badly. Wayne escaped the room, though the others were captured.[49]

No. No. I can’t do this without you.

—Wayne to Wax as Wax began to die[50]

Wayne fell down a pit filled with spikes, but healed. He found Wax in a cave, who was trapped by a huge piece of rock. Wayne fought Edwarn, who fled. Wayne tried to free Wax but couldn’t, and wept as Wax died.[50] After Telsin took MeLaan’s spikes, turning her into a mistwraith, Wayne found her and shot her in the face with Wax’s shotgun. He knew her gold metalminds would heal her, but it is unclear wether his surmounting of his gun-phobia was temporary or not. He retrieved both MeLaan’s spikes, and ReLuur’s spike. He then used MeLaan’s spikes to restore her to consciousness.[51]

Wax takes the Bands of Mourning from Marasi, who had already used them partially, and defeated Edwarn, though Telsin escaped. After negotiating a deal with Jordis and her people, Wayne rode back to Elendel with the others on the airship. He talked with Wax about shooting Telsin, and they soon arrived back at Elendel.[52]


  1. a b c d Aleación de ley capítulo 2#
  2. a b Aleación de ley capítulo 16#
  3. a b c Aleación de ley capítulo 10#
  4. a b Sombras de identidad capítulo 5#
  5. Sombras de identidad prólogo#
  6. Aleación de ley capítulo 5#
  7. Aleación de ley capítulo 6#
  8. Aleación de ley capítulo 8#
  9. Aleación de ley capítulo 9#
  10. Aleación de ley capítulo 13#
  11. Aleación de ley capítulo 14#
  12. Aleación de ley capítulo 17#
  13. Aleación de ley capítulo 18#
  14. Aleación de ley capítulo 19#
  15. Sombras de identidad capítulo 2#
  16. Sombras de identidad capítulo 3#
  17. Sombras de identidad capítulo 6#
  18. Sombras de identidad capítulo 9#
  19. Sombras de identidad capítulo 10#
  20. Sombras de identidad capítulo 12#
  21. Sombras de identidad capítulo 13#
  22. Sombras de identidad capítulo 17#
  23. Sombras de identidad capítulo 19#
  24. Sombras de identidad capítulo 20#
  25. Sombras de identidad capítulo 21#
  26. Sombras de identidad capítulo 22#
  27. Sombras de identidad capítulo 23#
  28. Sombras de identidad capítulo 24#
  29. Sombras de identidad capítulo 26#
  30. Sombras de identidad epílogo#
  31. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 1#
  32. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 2#
  33. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 4#
  34. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 6#
  35. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 9#
  36. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 10#
  37. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 11#
  38. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 12#
  39. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 14#
  40. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 15#
  41. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 17#
  42. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 18#
  43. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 20#
  44. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 21#
  45. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 23#
  46. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 28#
  47. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 24#
  48. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 25#
  49. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 26#
  50. a b Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 27#
  51. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 29#
  52. Brazales de Duelo (libro) capítulo 30#