Diferencia entre revisiones de «Zapador»

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m (Skyward Universe to Cytoverse)
=== In the nowhere ===
Delvers can be seen by cytonics who attempt to use their powers. Initially, they appear as hundreds of pinpricks of light across a vast blackness, which open to reveal small, white eyes that watch the cytonic.{{book ref|sky1|43}} The effect is often compared the the attention of the entire universe suddenly focusing on the cytonic.{{book ref|sky1|40}} The longer one obsevesobserves the eyes, the larger they seem to appear.{{book ref|sky1|52}} Perceiving them leaves a person with a sense of cold that persists for hours afterwards.{{book ref|sky1|epilogue}}
The appearance of delver eyes is preceded and accompanied by a pleasant sound, akin to a thousand musical notes playing together in harmony. It grows louder the closer one is to seeing them.{{book ref|sky1|1}}{{book ref|sky1|43}}
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