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Vorinism is the primary religion in Alethkar, Jah Keved, and Karbranth. It is less common the further west you travel in Roshar, and both the people of the Purelake and Shinovar have their own unique religion.

The priests of Vorinism are called ardents. Ardents may not own any property of any kind, and are owned directly by lighteye lords.

The traditional temples for Vorinism are circular and domed. Usually, the dome is exactly ten feet tall at its highest point. The temples are often filled with statues and pictures of the Heralds.


The teachings of Vorinism focus on the Almighty, the Double Eye, and the divine prism, which has ten facets representing each of the Heralds.

It teaches that people once lived in the paradise of the Tranquiline Halls, but were expulsed from them by the Voidbringers. Humans then settled on Roshar, and the continuing wars against the Voidbringers were the Desolations. The Last Desolation was the Aharietiam, where the Voidbringers were finally defeated.

According to Vorinism, the Voidbringers were creatures forged in Damnation, created from hatred. The Dawnsingers were "kindly spren sent by the Almighy to care for humans" after they were forced from the Halls.

People are expected to choose a Calling, their greatest talent, and those who grow to be the very best at their Calling are chosen to join the Heralds in the fight to regain the Tranquiline Halls when they die. Those who are the very best at farming in life become farmers for the Heralds in death, and those who are the greatest at battle are chosen to fight beside the Heralds. It is taught that those who do not achieve their greatest potential are given to a sort of dreamless sleep, stuck in limbo-like eternity, and those who do horrible things will be cast into Damnation.


The devotaries and the different sects of Vorinism that a person may dedicate their life to. The devotary a person chooses does not have to correspond to a person's Calling, but it is encouraged, to expand the growth of a person's talents.


The Devotary of Purity is dedicated to wholesomeness and honesty. Members of this devotary are expected to keep their thoughts and actions 'pure'. A member's talents are expected to be dedicated to purity as well, such as an artist depicting only things like the Heralds.


The Devotary of Sincerity is dedicated to seeking truth in all things. Members believe that there is always something to learn, and everything is subject to scrutiny, even their own religion. No question is rebuked. It is the smallest devotary.


No description is given for this devotary. Many ardents from the Devotary of Insight are seen exchanging dulled lamps from the Palanaeum and putting infused ones in their place.


The Heirocracy is considered the failure of Vorinism. During this time period, the ardents ruled the people, dictating their belief and lifestyles.

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