Diferencia entre revisiones de «Vasher»

1 byte añadido ,  hace 3 años
→‎Shashara: Capitalization
m (added image)
m (→‎Shashara: Capitalization)
She draws Nightblood at the [[Battle of Twilight Falls]], horrifying Vasher with the result.{{wob ref|6954}} She reveals the commands for creating Lifeless with a single Breath{{book ref|wb|53}} and wants to reveal the method used to create Nightblood as well, both of which Vasher opposes; they fight and he kills her using Nightblood to prevent more such abominations from being created.{{wob ref|6954}}
{{image|Vasher by Shuravf.jpg|side=right|width=250px|withWith Nightblood}}
=== Nightblood ===