
Hi! I'm Shallan.

I first found myself absorbed into the work of Brandon Sanderson when I began the Mistborn trilogy. My favorite books/series are Elantris, the Stormlight Archive, and the Reckoners. My favorite character from all of his works is, obviously, Shallan Davar from the Stormlight Archive. I started reading Brandon's works in 2016 and when I'd wiki some of the characters from different series I'd find some of the pages kind of empty, I wanted to help but I had school and stuff to focus on. Whenever finals are over and it's summer, I'll be helping out in my spare time.

To-Do Lists

Right now, I'm focusing on adding to the Stormlight Archive since Oathbringer's recent release. I'm better at editing pages regarding characters rather than doing pages about events, objects, or chapter summaries, so I'm sticking with that. If people could look out for any grammatical or spelling errors of recent edits I've done, that'd be great. So far, I'm planning on working on the following articles in order of prioritization:

Stormlight Archive

Major Contributions

The Reckoners


Stormlight Archive


I also got my first drawing tablet, so I'll also be drawing whenever I have the time that way I can add a few pictures in some of the empty articles on here.

Coming Soon

Right now, I'm drawing: