My Ars Arcanum

Not sure where to put this yet. I think there are three kinds of healing. Physical, cognitive and spiritual. All three are needed for full healing of all possible wounds, since you can be wounded on all three levels. In feruchemy you have gold that heals physically, aluminum that heals cognitively and nicrosil that heals spiritually. I dont know if it works the same, but WoB says stormlight works by aligning the body with the spirit. WoB: see what it does is it takes your body and makes it align with your spirit, and partially through the filter of how you view yourself. SLCC transcript 2014


  • What controls the ability to do magic
  • Comes from the Shards
  • The amount of investiture has an impact on the amount of power available
  • Can be stored in stuff
  • There is innate investiture, like someone is a mistborn, and additional investiture, like breaths and mists and stormlight. (are they both investiture?)
  • Physical Examples of Shard Bodies:
    • Solid
      • Larasium
      • Atium
    • Liquid
      • Shardpools
    • Gas
      • Mist
      • Stormlight
      • Breath


Focus is some element or attribute that is common across all magic systems native to a planet. It is the "theme" of the investiture. It can be manifest not only in the magic of the planet, but the Shards as well. It is not clear if every planet has a focus. It is also not clear how or why a focus exists, if they are caused by the Shards or the planet or both. However, we do have a WoB that the Shards on a world have some weakness in relation to the focus, ie Ruin and Preservation's blindness when it comes to metals.

Attributes of Focus:

  • Seems like it must show up as some attribute of every magic system available on the planet
  • Can affect the Shards, ie: force the way their solid body is formed, or the effect their shardpool has on the surrounding area.
  • Shards have a weakness when it comes to the focus.

Planet Focus:

  • Ashyn:
  • Braize:
  • First of Sun:
  • Nalthis: Color
  • Roshar: Unknown. Spren play a major role in everything, but could cognitive entities be a focus? I am not overly a fan of the idea.
  • Scadriel: Metal
  • Sel: Unknown, although physical patterns or forms are consistent across all known magic systems.
  • Taldain: Water?
  • Threnody:
  • Yolen:


Physical things that interact with the world's type of investiture. Like metal or gem stones. (Idea from Tempus)

Magic Types

  • Abilities
  • Effects
    • I think this shows up more where there is no shard, either because one is not there or because the one there was splintered. WoB: Q: Does the Silence Divine take place in the Cosmere? A: It does, it takes place on a planet called Threnody. There is no shard on that planet however. The magic is more something you interact with, not something you perform b/c there isn't a shard there.
  • Technology

Realmatics Mechanics


  • I probably want to talk about the three realms at some point. I would think most magic has to work in all three. For example, Forgery connects a soulstamp to the soul (spiritual) of an object to change it's identity in the cognitive, so it's physically different. There was a big post with charts from someone all about that.

Access and Limits

Limits to the use of the magic, limits who can make use of the magic, when and where, as well as what you can do and affect. There are many ways access can be limited, sometimes more than one comes into play in a single magic system. If all of the qualifications have been met then a person can draw on whatever investiture is available as part of the current magic system. The access requirements can be any combination of physical, spiritual, and cognitive.

If pure investiture is available (as a solid, liquid or gas), it may have it's own limits and use requirements that can supersede the standard requirements of the magic system.


  • location.
  • connection
  • ?DNA
  • spiritual event, sheod, abuse, etc.
  • words.
  • key (metal pattern?).

Identity is an important limiter. But what is identity? sDNA? All three? Is it possible that identity is always a limiter, but it is one or more of the three DNAs at various levels? (I prolly want to write a full section on identity)

Identity seems to be primarily in the Cognitive Realm. As Shai describes it, "the Cognitive is how an object is viewed, and how it views itself." In that case Identity is an important aspect of process of how the magic works. However, on Scadrial, physical identity is very important, as it controls through pDNA who has access to which magic. On the other hand, c-Identity controls access to the royal locks.

Cognitive Identity is affected as much by how something is viewed, as by how it views itself. Probably the more aware something is (or the more invested it is), the more it leans in the direction of how it views itself.

Another quote that is interesting: "We think about the window, we know about the window, what is and isn't a window takes on... meaning in the Spiritual Realm, takes on life, after a fashion"

Dont know where to put this, but Duralumin with Feruchemy can be used to establish the connection to a new world and help in gaining access to the local magic system. (WoB: Q: I’m not sure if it was duralumin or something but the Feruchemical ability to store connection, is that how Hoid worldhops? It stores Connection to another world? B: It’s a good question, it doesn’t have anything to do with worldhopping *but* what it does do is once you have worldhopped you can change your Connection to which planet you are on, which helps you with magic systems. SLCC Transcript 2014)


How does the magic work? What is happening?


Catalysts. The things you use to control.

How you control the magic, do the things you want to do. The method of control for a magic system can be some combination of Physical, Mental, Spiritual. I think in all cases you are basically commanding things to do things or change. In all cases you are affecting that thing in the physical, mental, or spirital. Something is going here with time also.

  • Scadrial: Mental push or pull
  • Sel: Patterns
  • Nalthis: Audible and mental commands
  • White Sand: Mental visualization
  • Roshar: Mental visualization, depends on the magic


Cost is the consequence of using the magic system. What does it cost you in fuel to power the magic, how does it affect you, or the world around you. Not every magic system needs fuel. It seems only end-positive systems need fuel, and some of those are primarily fueled by shardic body or investiture.

  • Nalthis: Color of things near-by, but I think it has to be touched to be used?
  • Scadrial: metal, but only from inside the user's body.
  • Sel: Unknown, The all just use the dor? But that can't be, because it is not a physical manifestation of the body of one of the shards. Maybe you don't need a fuel if there is a shattered shard? The extra investiture just on the other side can act as a fuel as well?
  • White Sand: Water, only from inside the magic user's body. Although it also seems to be whatever covers the sand. But whatever that is, how does it come back in the sun?
  • Roshar: Unknown, because they all just use stormlight? For all of the magics?

"Fuel" is an interesting concept. Is metal or color a fuel? It is probably not providing the power, but it is some kind of a cost. It might be fueling some part of the process, even if it is not the fuel for the power of the magic itself. I think the only thing that can fuel the magic power is shardic body or investiture.

Examples in the Magic Systems

World Magic System Limit Control Cost Process
First of the Sun Birds Must have the bird for the specific ability close None Feed the birds
Nalthis Awakening
Roshar Heat?
Scadrial Allomancy
Feruchemy 1 for 1, put some in, get it out. It is a time transfer, and I would assume infestature is fueling the time transfer, because there is no other cost, no metal, etc. However, if you pull it out at a greater speed than 1, there is some additional cost, loss of the power itself, that powers the increased transfer. link
Hemalurgy lose your magic, be dead. ref
Sel AonDor
Yolen Sand Imagry