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|books=[[Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell]]
| Never call this land hell. Respect the land as you would a dangerous beast, but do not hate it.
| [[Silence's grandfather]]{{book ref|sfs}}}}
'''Threnody''' is the minor [[Shardworld]] that contains the [[Forests of Hell]].{{17swob ref|post|107560|New planet name|date=09 March 20145603}} It is the setting for the story [[Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell]]. It is a temperate world with notable features such as large forests, mountains and oceans. This planet is populated by humans, which are known as Threnodites, as well as hostile [[Cognitive Shadow]]s, referred to locally as shades. The shades can only be combated with silver, which makes it an incredibly valuable, if finite resource on the planet.
== Geography and Ecology ==
=== Early History ===
| The [[Threnodite System|Threnodite system]] is a site warped by an ancient conflict.
| Khriss's essay on the Threnodite System{{au ref|Threnody}}
=== Abandonment of the Fallen World ===
| Smiling was wasted energy. And love...love was for the people back in [[Homeland]]. The people who'd died to the [[Evil]].
| [[Silence Montane]]'s thoughts on Homeland{{book ref|sfs}}
Soon after the discovery of the Forests of Hell, a mysterious force known as the [[Evil]] appeared on the larger continent of Threnody.{{au ref|Threnody}} Its exact origin is uncertain, but the Evil consumed the entire continent of mankind, according to legend it feasted on the souls of the humans that lived there. Whatever the truth is, the panicked survivors of the Evil were forced to flee their continent across the ocean to the continent that contains the Forests of Hell.{{book ref|sfs}} They came lacking some essential resources, but they brought with them records of their life back on their old continent.{{au ref|Threnody}} Aided by the Forescouts that already inhabited the Forests, the refugees gradually settled into the Forests, constructing several Fortress Cities in the mountains of the continent and homesteads in the Forests themselves.{{book ref|sfs}}
=== Religion ===
''See also: [[God Beyond]]''
| You can rail against the God Beyond, but it will change nothing. William was a fool and an idiot. You are better off. We are Forescouts. We survive. We will be the ones to defeat the Evil, someday.
| Silence's Grandmother on the God Beyond{{book ref|sfs}}}}
Little is known about the cultures of the nations that once existed on the [[Fallen World]], as they were destroyed in their entirety.{{book ref|sfs}} The people of a place that is now simply called [[Homeland]] worshiped the [[God Beyond]], basing a religion around it. They symbolized this religion with a dagger, which was often made of silver and carved with symbols of divinity. They also made small shrines to their god. This religion was still practiced in the Forests by some, who have adapted it to fit recent events. Some people, such as [[Silence's grandmother]], believe that the coming of the Evil was a part of the God Beyond's plan and that the Forescouts are destined to one day return to the Fallen World and defeat the Evil there. Others, such as [[Silence Montane]] dismiss these notions as mere superstition.
''Main Article: [[Fortress Town]]s''
| The smaller continent is a frontier, mostly unexplored and unnamed, with several bastions of civilization. I have visited one of the largest of these, and even it feels unfinished—set up haphazardly by refugees fleeing across the ocean, lacking some basic necessities. They focused on making it a fortress first, and a home second.
| Khriss's essay on the Threnodite System{{au ref|Threnody}}
=== Homesteaders ===
''See also [[Forests of Hell]]''
{{quote| You couldn't spend your life trapped inside, frozen by fear of the darkness. Live like that, and...well, you were no better off than the people in the forts. Life in the Forests was hard, often deadly. But it was also free.
| Silence's thoughts on life in the Forests{{book ref|sfs}}
The Threnodites who homestead the Forests of Hell are a tough, practical people.{{book ref|sfs}} They are more focused on survival than anything else, and have little time for sentimentality and emotion. The forestborn are much more at home with the Forests and the shades than the fortfolk. Most cannot afford enough silver to fully encircle their homes and lands, so they live among the shades, some even enter their homes, and the Simple Rules are just a way of life. Even the Homesteaders do not care for traveling the forests at night, but they accept that at times they will have to do so. They often live in large family groups of up to a dozen. Homesteaders wear plain clothing and eat simple foods, such as gravied venison and beer. One can often tell a Homesteader by the way they walk, in a deliberate slow pace that will not draw the shades. The Homesteaders are an independent group, they have a deep dissatisfaction with the fortfolk, who they feel have broken their commitments, unfairly taxing them while failing to properly maintain and patrol the roads. They view the fortdwellers as prim and soft, unable to survive in the Forests. The Homesteaders tend to not want anything to do with the forts, they do not believe that they need their help. Many people that live in the Forests are technically criminals for dodging the taxes levied on them by the forts. Homesteaders know that their lives are harder and more dangerous than the fortfolk, but they value their freedom more than anything. Forestborn are often a superstitious people as well, they believe that hogs ward away shades and refuse to eat them. Many people are afraid to touch those that have been disfigured by shades, fearing the taint of their touch.
=== Technology ===
| The stories of what gunpowder could do were often as fanciful as stories of the Homeland
| Silence's thoughts on gunpowder{{book ref|sfs}}}}
Before the arrival of the Evil, the people of Homeland had discovered gunpowder.{{book ref|sfs}} However once humankind fled from its influence much knowledge was left behind. Technological innovation has been rather stifled in the Forests by the Simple Rules, specifically the rule against kindling fire. This has rendered technologies such as firestarters or gunpowder nearly useless in the Forests, although myths of gunpowder's explosive properties remain. It has also restricted the development of any sort of combustion related technologies, such as a steam engine. Any and all fire must be provided by a fire merchant, so once they are kindled most fires are never allowed to go out. The Threnodites have also developed an alternative light source to fire, due to the difficulties with lighting fires in the Forests.{{book ref|sfs}} They make use of a material called [[glowpaste]], which provides a soft blue light and makes shades glow as well. They have also domesticated several species of animals on this planet, including horses and dogs which they make use of in their everyday life.{{book ref|sfs}} They have also domesticated hogs, turkeys, and rabbits, which are raised and carefully slaughtered for food.
''See also: [[Shade]]s''
Unlike some of the other worlds where full Shards of Adonalsium are present, such as [[Roshar]] or [[Scadrial]], there is no active manifestation of Investiture that humans can make use of themselves.{{qawob ref|1076|32|The magic is more something you interact with, not something you perform because there isn't a shard there.|date=6 March 20146889}} The investiture on Threnody takes the form of [[shade]]s, barely conscious Cognitive Shadows of human spirits.{{au ref|Threnody}} They take the form of a translucent white figures that wander the Forests.{{book ref|sfs}} They are not innately aggressive, but respond violently to any violations of the [[Simple Rules]], which will enrage them to violence. The body of anyone a shade touches is withered and if the contact is bad enough, the person will die and occasionally return as a shade themselves. The only thing that is able to combat shades is silver. It is unknown whether or not silver on Threnody is Invested in any way. The Evil is also related to Cogntive Shadows in some way, but specifically how is still uncertain.{{qawob ref|1052|22|Everything is related to Adonalsium in the Cosmere, most of the magic you're seeing is a just a natural outgrowth of Cosmere related magic and cognitive shadows. The Evil is similarly related.|date=21 March 20147726}}
Prior to Odium's clash with Ambition, there was some other form of Investiture already in existence, but its precise origin is still unknown.{{au ref|Threnody}} It may simply be a natural manifestation of Investiture, or it could be related to Ambition. It is uncertain whether this Investiture still exists.
''Main article: [[Threnodite System]]''
Threnody is the the third planet in the Threnodite system, located between the planets of Elegy and Purity, orbiting a red star.{{map ref|Threnodite system}} The planet itself has no moon. Visible in the night sky of Threnody is an unusually bright patch of stars, called '''Starbelt''' .{{book ref|sfs}} It is useful for navigation in the [[Forests of Hell]] during the night; the light usually filtered through the trees fairly well. The Starbelt is the same patch of unusually bright stars that is visible from Scadrial.{{qawob ref|727|60|There is a very bright star patch|date=17 October 20086089}} It is visible from other worlds in the Cosmere as well.{{redditwob ref|books|2ytg2h|cpct5rf|date=12 March 2015|text=Visible from other worlds as well.3363}}
== Notable Threnodites ==
== Development ==
[[Brandon Sanderson]] had planned for Threnody to exist within the Cosmere for many years, intending to one day write a novel detailing the escape of humanity to the Forests of Hell, seeking refuge from the Evil.{{bws ref|statename=sots-of-the-sanderson-2016|State of the Sanderson 2016|date=19 December 2016}} He had not yet written a book set there when George R. R. Martin asked him to write a story for an anthology he was planning with Gardner Dozois called Dangerous Women.{{au ref|sfs}} Brandon planned to tell a story about a middle-aged woman working as a bounty hunter, and discovered that the already planned world of Threnody would fit the story well. Brandon still intends to one day write a full novel set on the world, but is toying with the idea of changing the story to follow an expedition from the Forests back to the Forgotten World.{{bws ref|statename=sots-of-the-sanderson-2016|State of the Sanderson 2016|date=19 December 2016}} Many of the names used on Threnody are based on Puritan names.{{au ref|sfs}} The Simple Rules were inspired by the Jewish rules for the Sabbath.
== Trivia ==
* A Threnody is a song, hymn, or poem that is composed or performed in mourning of the dead.{{wp ref|Threnody}}
* Threnody is named in memorial of someone or something,.{{17swob ref|post|405852|Calamity Tour - Denver|date=20 February 2016775}} possibly the dead Shard Ambition.
* Travelling to and from the planet is difficult.{{wob ref|3700}}
* This planet was named by [[Isaac Stewart]], who has drawn the maps in many of the books set in the cosmere.{{au ref|sfs}}
== Notes ==
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{{bws ref|date=2016-12-19|name=sots-2016|state-of-the-sanderson-2016|State of the Sanderson 2016}}
{{complete|[[User:Windrunner|Windrunner]] ([[User talk:Windrunner|talk]]) 21:10, 16 March 2017 (MST)}}
{{Shadows for Silence}}
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