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Larger spren have the ability to shape-shift often mimicking faces, as well as being able to mimic voices. Apart from a few sentient sub-types, spren are not intelligent and therefore speaking with them is an exercise in futility. A fact often learned as a child. Spren are often ignored because of this.{{ref|b|sa1|c|2}} Larger spren also have the ability to pick up small objects and give small pinches of energy.{{ref|b|sa1|c|6}}
Spren do not need to sleep., {{ref|b|sa1|c|14}} Sprenand spren can die.{{ref|?|836|26| Can spren die?}}
The causal link between spren and there namesake is not fully understood on Roshar. Some spren, such as rotspren, are said to cause their namesake, whereas others, such as windspren, are merely attracted to it.{{ref|b|sa1|c|57}}
While spren are often invisible, they are said to be ever present and will appear around the phenomenon they are named for.{{ref|b|sa1|c|7}} The exception is in [[Shinovar]], where no spren appear.{{ref|b|sa1|i|4}} Some spren are easier to find than others, however even the most common will, at times, fail to appear.{{ref|b|sa1|i|5}} Larger spren will often appear to a singular person, who they will taunt and play with.{{ref|b|sa1|c|2}} Some humans, such as [[Rock]], have the ability to see these spren, even if the spren in question does not explicitly reveal themselves to the viewer. These people are called ''alaii'iku'' by the [[Unkalaki]].{{ref|b|sa1|c|21}}
Spren seem to be tied closely with [[Wikipedia: Quantum field theory| quantum field theory]]. Each sub-type of spren are manifestations of an underlying cognitive field, like electrons are excitations of an underlying electron field. This is supported by the fact that all spren, of the same sub-type, are "essentially the same individual."{{ref|b|sa1|c|17}} This also ties into the causal link between spren and their namesake.
==Symbiotic Relationships==
Some types of spren live in symbiotic relationships with various other creatures extant on Roshar. Perhaps the best known examples of this are [[Greatshellgreatshell]]s. There is a type of spren that lives in their bodies which contribute to their ability to grow to such large sizes.{{ref|?|977|158| What are the smoke-y spren that appear around a dead chasmfiend?}}
The [[Parshendi]] also form symbiotic bonds with spren to enter different "Forms." [[Parshmen]] are Parshendi lacking a bond with a spren, and so have no Form.<ref name=eshonai />
Each Order of the [[Knights Radiant]] formed a [[Nahel Bond]] with a different type of spren.{{cite}} This bond is similar in nature to the bond between a [[Seon]] and its master.<ref name=nahelseon />
It is also possible that the magic fish of the [[Purelake]] and the [[Ryshadium]] breed of horses get their unique traits from bonds with spren.
==Known Subtypes==
A common type of spren that appear around fire. They appear as tiny insects made of congealed light.{{ref|b|sa1|prologue}} They will often dance around flames, constantly changing in size, shape, and luminosity like the flames themselves.{{ref|b|sa1|i|8}}
The [[Ardentardent]] [[Geranid]] was studying flamespren when she discovered that if she measured them in someway the spren seemed to be "stuck" by that measurement.{{ref|b|sa1|i|8}}
{{quote| Below, his men cheered, sending up calls that rose above the Parshendi war chant. Gloryspren sprouted around him.| The Way of Kings: Chapter Sixty-Five{{ref|b|sa1|c|65}}}}
A type of spren theorized to exist by Axies to appear around people in captivity. Despite being imprisoned numerous times he has never observed him leading him to doubt their existence.{{ref|b|sa1|i|5}}
According to the Ardentardent [[Kabsal]], the [[Dawnsingers]] were "kindly spren sent by the Almighty" to care for mankind after being expelled from the Tranquiline Halls.{{ref|b|sa1|c|45}}
A type of spren believed to exist by more traditional, rural followers of Vorinism. Those with more eductation believe they are simply fabrications of the Knights Radiant to support their dominance.{{ref|b|sa1|c|42}}