Diferencia entre revisiones de «Shinovar»

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=== Class Structure ===
The Shin have an extremely strict social structure based on profession. At the top of the social ladder in Shinovar are the farmers, who add to the land be growing plants and are such considered holy. Farmers spend their days either working their fields or negotiating trades with merchants. While negotiating with merchants, Shin farmers wear fine, multicolored robes that tie in the front. The robes seem designed for horseback riding, as the robes reach almost to the ground from horseback. Farmers are able to own and trade warriors by way of stones similar to [[Oathstone]]s.{{wob ref|9754}} Because of their holy nature, outsiders are not allowed to visit farming villages or farmland.{{book ref|sa1|i|4}}
Warriors are all considered extremely poorly in Shin culture. To a Shin, since warriors exist only to destroy, they are far below the farmers and craftsmen who live to create, and even merchants, who trade in other's goods. All warriors are required to obey totally the person who holds their Oathstonestone, voluntarily subjecting themselves into a state not unlike slavery. While a Shin warrior is able to distinguish his Oathstonestone, it does not appear to be remarkable in any other way--their subjugation appears to be entirely voluntary. As a rule, Shin warriors cannot be given to outsiders, and the rules regarding the trading of Oathstoneswarriors inside Shinovar are unknown. What is known, however, is that any person who picks up a weapon is required to take an Oathstonestone and live the rest of their life as a warrior. Warriors are recognizable by the simple brown tunics clothing they wear.{{book ref|sa1|i|4}}
Only the [[Truthless]] are considered lower than warriors in the Shin culture. At present, there is only one Shin Truthless, and there are not likely to be more in the foreseeable future. Truthless are exiled from Shinovar, and required to live the life of a Shin warrior outside of Shinovar. They are required to have a master, but are not allowed to seek or avoid a particular master, freely sharing information about their servitude to any who asks (assuming that a current master has not given contradictory orders). The precise nature of the offense that makes one Truthless is unknown.
Synod, Editors, Keepers
