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[[File:Raoden - Elantrian by Hayley Olivia.jpg|thumb|right|x150px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/Hayley Olivia|Hayley Olivia]]</small></center>]]
==== Healing the Elantrians ====
While Elantris was under attack by Wyrn's army, Raoden discovered the key to restoring Elantris after realizing that Elantris and its surrounding cities formed one massive Aon. He drew a line to represent the chasm that caused the Reod, fixing the Dor and completing the Shaod in all living Elantrians. The healed Elantrians repelled the attacks offrom [[WyrnFjorden]] in both [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]].{{book ref|Elantris|61}}{{book ref|Elantris|62}} Raoden restored Elantris and from it rules both the city and Arelon.
=== [[The Hope of Elantris]] ===