
De La Coppermind
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Mundo de origen Tierra (Reckoners)
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Every one of these boxes is stuffed with bits of dead Epic.


A motivator is a device that replicates abilities from an Epic's power set.


Motivators are created by harvesting the cells of dead Epics.[2] These cells contain Epic DNA, which duplicates the powers of the original Epic when exposed to electrical currents.[3] The "biological frequency" of electric current required for each Motivator is different, requiring some experimentation to get just right.[4] Motivators are responsible for keeping the cells of Epics alive, which includes feeding them, regulating their temperature, and dealing with any produced waste.[3] Motivators tend to be expensive and volatile.[1]


Coilers are pieces of technology that Jax invented with the help of Paige. Coilers reverse the electrical current in the motivators, and therefore reverses the effect of the motivator. Jax used them for several pieces of technology, such as boomerang and mitosis.[5]

Known Motivators


When in Babilar, David Charleston uses a motivator called a spyril to move quickly between the rooftops of the city. Derived from the DNA of an Epic known as Georgi, the spyril allows its user to propel themselves through the air or through water, using powerful jets of water.[2][6] The spyril is very sensitive, and requires precise and careful steering.[7]


The boomerang allows its user to teleport in a chosen direction, then teleport back soon after. During his time at the Coop. Jax learned about the incomplete motivator, which was derived from an Epic named Slingshot, who had teleportation abilities. However, the last Reckoner to try to complete it had vaporized himself by accident.[1] About thirty seconds after teleporting, the teleported object's or person's molecules begin to disassemble, until there is nothing left. As far as Jax was able to figure out, the only way to keep the object from disintegrating was to smash the slingshot after teleporting it. The real breakthrough came when Jax invented Coilers, which could reverse the power of a motivator. He applied the coiler technology to the slingshot, so that when he teleported something, he could then reverse the motivator and teleport the object back.[5] If he didn't teleport it back after thirty seconds, it began to disintegrate. Jax changed the name of the device to boomerang soon after.[Falta cita]

Later on, Jax put the boomerang motivator into a more convenient model. He turned it into a watch, with a pressure sensor in the watch face. Pointing the watch in the desired direction and pressing the watch face teleports you up to thirty feet in that direction. Press the watch face again, and you teleport back to your original position. The distance can be adjusted using a small dial.[8]

Sonic Snare

Perfected by Jax, the sonic snare can be connected to a sound mixer and used to listen to conversations or other sounds going on anywhere in a large area. Adjusting the frequency to the right setting allows the user to listen in on specific people or rooms. Jax uses it to eavesdrop on a conversation between Zeff and Prof.[5]


  • Epic mitochondrial DNA, the key ingredient in all motivators, is used as high-level currency between the Reckoners and arms dealers.[2]
  • Any given piece of Epic-based technology requires a motivator to function.[2]


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