Diferencia entre revisiones de «Lirin»

273 bytes añadidos ,  hace 2 años
→‎The Fourth Bridge: Well, you put me in the mood to expand that further :)
(→‎The Fourth Bridge: Expanding it a bit)
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m (→‎The Fourth Bridge: Well, you put me in the mood to expand that further :))
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=== The Fourth Bridge ===
Because of this, Kaladin arranged to take the entire population of Hearthstone via the [[Fourth Bridge]]. After Lirin seeslearns that allsome of the radiants,Radiants andcan learnsheal thatothers, radiantshe cangrows healwithdrawn, as he growsfeels sulky.that Buthis aftertalents as a surgeon have been rendered obsolete. After Kaladin tellsexplains himthat howonly usefultwo heorders willof beRadiants can use the Surge of [[Progression]] and the limits of its power, heLirin lightensbecomes upexcited to work in Urithiru's medical clinic and to begin exploring the new medical equipment from [[Kharbranth]] that Kaladin got for him.{{book ref|sa4|18}}{{Expand}}
== Relationships ==