Diferencia entre revisiones de «Koloss»

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== Creation and reproduction==
Similar to [[Steel Inquisitor]]s, the creation of a koloss was very brutal. To create a koloss, 4 humans were stabbed with individual iron spikes through their heart, and these spikes were then placed strategically on to a fifth person,. The addition of four spikes containing the strength and a portion of the spiritweb of four other people causing them to becomesgrow in physical strength far beyond human limits as well as making it possible for them to continue growing in size until they can no longer physically support their own bodies and their hearts give out. The four spikes also had the effect of reducing their intelligence to almost that of a kolossbasic animal. These spikes could be reused, however the power of the spikes decreases with re-use. Meaning less hemalurgic charge in each spike, equaling a lessening of the attributes and allowing more room for each Koloss's own original humanity to remain.{{epigraph ref|mb3|40}}
The spiking, however, only affected them in the [[Physical Realm]]. When they appeared in the [[Cognitive Realm]] after death, they look exactly like the humans they were before being spiked.
When a koloss dies, other koloss in the vicinity would attempt to collect and reuse the spikes from the dead one. This resulted in the koloss being able to reproduce in a manner of speaking, provided that they had someone to stick the spikes into. The koloss were periodically supplied with fresh spikes and skaa captives to produce more koloss, but after the death of the Lord Ruler, they learned how to reproduce on their own, via harvesting the spikes from their dead brethren and re-using them.{{epigraph ref|mb3|42}}
Because of this, after the Lord Ruler's control over the koloss ended, many of the koloss would attack nearby human inhabitants in an attempt to make more Koloss. When [[Vin]] visited a Koloss camp, they requested for her to give them more Koloss. She did not know how, but they expected a human to be able to provide them with more Koloss.
When two koloss reproduce, the child is born koloss-blooded. This means that they are physically strong, with a mottled granite-like complexion.{{book ref|mb4|5}} A semi-offensive term for them is Kig {{book ref| mb6|}}Furthermore they continue to grow taller throughout their lives. They heal quickly, and are often less intelligent than average. They become a full koloss once they accept the spikes.{{ref|name=WoRbeaverton}} Humans who are koloss-blooded have a mottled granite-like complexion.{{book ref|mb4|5}} Furthermore they continue to grow taller throughout their lives. [[Wax]] estimates [[Tarson]] to be young purely by his short but stocky frame.{{book ref|mb4|19}}
== Powers ==