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For most of his life, he was a devout follower of the Derethi religion, although his devotion was more a product of logic than of faith.
Hrathen was a graduate of [[Ghajan Monastery]] monastery,{{ref|b|e|c|36}} and rose quickly in the ranks of the priesthood. His talent for public speaking made him an invaluable tool of [[Wyrn]] in Wyrn's attempt to conquer the world through the spread of the Derethi religion. Hrathen's particular talent lay in destroying the kingdoms of those who did not convert, and he brought about both the destruction of the [[Duladel Republic]],{{ref|b|e|c|9}} and the simultaneous invasion of [[Arelon]] and [[Teod]]. During the invasion of Teod, he came to a full awareness of Wyrn's corruption of Shu-Dereth, and was instrumental in stopping the complete destruction of both kingdoms. Unfortunately, his efforts to save Princess [[Sarene]] resulted in his death at the hands of [[Dilaf]].{{ref|b|e|c|62}} For his efforts, he was buried with the rest of the heroes of the battle just outside of [[Elantris (city)|Elantris]].{{ref|b|e|epilogue}}
== Early life ==
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