Diferencia entre revisiones de «Heraldo»

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|Almighty above. You’re broken too, aren’t you? They all were.
|[[Kalak]] after centuries of Desolations{{book ref|sasa1|part=prelude}}
From there on, the Heralds were stuck in the cycle of Desolations. At the end of each one, they would travel to [[Braize]], their presence there preventing the [[voidspren]] and the Fused from returning to Roshar. They would attempt to hide, but eventually, Odium's forces would track them down and begin torturing them until one of the Heralds broke. At this point, the Heralds would be returned to Roshar and resurrected to push Odium's forces back.{{book ref|sa3|38}}
At some point, the [[spren]] began mimicking their abilities, creating the first [[Surgebinder]]s.{{book ref|sa2|87}} The Heralds found that surprising, but had no compunctions against using the Surgebinders in battle.{{book ref|sa3|47}} [[Ishar]] imposed structure upon them, creating the [[Knights Radiant]], and each Herald took patronage over the Order that matched their Surges.{{epigraph ref|sa2|42}} The last to do so was [[Nale]], who initially rejected the [[Skybreakers]] even when they called him their master.{{epigraph ref|sa2|43}}
Eventually, the pattern of continuous resurrections and torture led to the Heralds growing increasingly stressed and psychologically damaged, making each [[Heraldic Epochs|Heraldic Epoch]] -- the period between the Desolations -- shorter as they broke faster and faster.{{book ref|sa3|38}} Things came to a head in the [[Aharietiam]], a Desolation where only one Herald, [[Taln]], died in battle. Those who survived were supposed to return voluntarily; however, Ishar theorized that one Herald remaining in Braize was sufficient to keep the Oathpact going. And so, the Heralds decided to abandon Taln to his fate, leaving their Honorblades -- and the Oathpact -- behind.{{book ref|sasa1|part=prelude}} To hide this fact, they told the ordinary people that the Desolations were over, and that they would take the fight to the [[Tranquiline Halls]].{{book ref|sa3|42}}
[[File:Baxil's Mistress by Shuravf.jpg|thumb|left|150px|<center><small>By [[Coppermind:Artists/Shuravf|Shuravf]]</small></center>[[Shalash]] the vandal]]
=== Surgebinding ===
Each Herald wields an [[Honorblade]], a sword similar in function to a [[Shardblade]], albeit far more powerful.{{book ref|sasa1|part=prelude}} Honorblades can be bonded like regular Shardblades, and are similarly sharp, but unlike Shardblades, they allow their wielders to utilize two [[Surge]]s each. As such, while wielding their Blades, each of the Heralds is a [[Surgebinder]].{{book ref|sa3|16}} While they each have an Honorblade assigned to them, in the past, they would occassionally swap their Honorblades between each other, allowing them to use the Surges of others.{{wob ref|3564}}
[[Spren]] would later copy the Heralds' [[Surgebinding]], thus creating the [[Knights Radiant]], with each order matching the powers of one of the Heralds.{{book ref|sa2|87}} The Radiants have some powers that the Heralds lack -- for example, the Heralds did not have [[squire]]s.{{wob ref|3958}} However, unlike the Knights, the Heralds were powered directly by [[Honor]], and had access to raw levels of Investiture that no Radiant could possibly match.{{wob ref|1572}}{{wob ref|10331}} Additionally, they didn't need to draw Stormlight from gems, which implies they could get it directly from their bond with Honor.{{wob ref|2549}} How this manifests after Honor's death and Splintering is unknown.
Known as the Herald of Kings in the East, Kadasix of Kings in [[Azir]] and the Prime Kadasix in [[Emul]].{{book ref|sa2|i|9}}{{book ref|sa1|i|7}} At some point prior to becoming a Herald, he ruled as a king.{{book ref|sasa1|part=prelude}} He is associated with the number Jes (1), the essence Zephyr, and the attributes Protecting and Leading. He is patron of the [[Order of Windrunners]].
:''Surges'': [[Adhesion]], [[Gravitation]]
:''Other names'': Jezerezeh'Elin ([[Vorinism]]), Yaysi ([[Iri]] and [[Rira (country)|Rira]]){{book ref|sa3|26}}, Yaezir ([[Azir]]){{book ref|sa2|i|9}}