
De La Coppermind
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La Coppermind tiene spoilers de todos los trabajos publicados de Brandon, incluyendo El Hombre Iluminado. La información sobre libros que aún no se han publicado (como El archivo de las tormentas 5) está permitida sólo en las páginas de los propios libros. Para ver una visión anterior de la wiki sin spoilers de uno de estos libros, ve a nuestra Máquina del Tiempo

Relacionado con Epics
Mundo de origen Tierra (Reckoners)

Faithful is a term to describe those that thought good Epics exist. The term was created after the arrival of Calamity and the Epics that came with it started terrorizing humanity. The Faithful think that there will eventually be superheroes that will stop the evil Epics.

Blain Charleston (David's father)[1], and Abraham[2] are Faithful.

David once thought these people were foolish, but changed his mind after finding out Prof and Megan were Epics.

In the alternate universe, the Faithful include Epics who use their powers for good against evil. These Epics include Blain Charleston, Firefight and Tavi.

When David travels to Babilar in Firefight, Abraham gives him a pendant with the Faithful's symbol on it, described as a stylized S


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