Diferencia entre revisiones de «Esquirla»

147 bytes eliminados ,  hace 3 años
Out-of-world, and we don't really run through disproven theories anyways
m (Out-of-world, and we don't really run through disproven theories anyways)
Etiqueta: Deshacer
While most [[Shardworld]]s have only one Shard, [[Sel]] and [[Scadrial]] are both dishardic, hosting two Shards each.{{au ref|Selish}}{{au ref|Scadrian}} [[Roshar]], on the other hand, is the only known example of a world influenced by three Shards.{{au ref|Rosharan}}
Several of the known Shards are dead in the current time, with [[Ambition]], [[Honor]], [[Devotion]] and [[Dominion]] all being [[splinter]]ed.{{au ref|Rosharan}} [[Ruin]] and [[Preservation]], on the other hand, have blended together into [[Harmony]], albeit they remain somewhat separate within this unified construct. It has been theorized that Preservation and Ruin were really two Splinters, with Harmony being the full Shard, but the theory has been disproven.{{wob ref|6486}}
=== Unnamed Shards ===