Diferencia entre revisiones de «Esquirla»

38 bytes eliminados ,  hace 10 años
This is under theory, and is clearly labeled, so does not warrant a dispute tag.
m (→‎Forms and Subdivisions: ref 38 repaired)
m (This is under theory, and is clearly labeled, so does not warrant a dispute tag.)
===Shardholder of Endowment===
Endowment's Shardholder is currently unknown, but since the Tears of Edgli are related to color and Awakening, it's been proposed that Endowment's original name was Edgli.{{ref|?|691|7|Is Edgli Endowment's real name?}}{{disputed|this was a straight RAFO?}}
It is also theorized that Endowment's Shardholder is female.
Shards, Editors, Keepers, Synod
11 554
