Diferencia entre revisiones de «Kaladin»

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==== Fighting the Shardbearer ====
InFour years later, in {{Rosharan date|1172|10}}, Kaladin fought his final battle in [[Amaram]]’s army. Prior to the battle, Kaladin met with a Squadleader [[Gare]] and two of his sergeants. Kaladin bribed Gare to transfer [[Cenn]], a young and inexperienced soldier, to Kaladin’s own squad, whom he entrusted to his sergeant [[Dallet]]. He also bribed the surgeons to give priority to his men. While bribing the surgeons, the money pouch stuck to his hand by what Kaladin assumed to be a [[windspren]], although it was actually his first meeting with [[Sylphrena]]. After consulting with Dallet, Kaladin went to the front lines to prepare for battle.{{book ref|sa1|47}}
| We’re taking him. Imagine it Dallet. Real soldiers. A war camp with discipline and lighteyes with integrity. A place where our fighting will mean something.
| Kaladin to Dallet before attacking the battalionlord {{book ref|sa1|47}}
Once the signal to march was given, Kaladin’s well-disciplined squad used non-standard tactics to avoid taking any casualties. However, the larger battle didn’t go nearly as well. When the larger body of [[Amaram]]’s forces broke, Kaladin’s squad was left in the middle of the enemy. During the chaos, Kaladin single-handedly defeated six men to save Cenn, who had been stranded alone without the rest of the squad.{{book ref|sa1|1}} After treating [[Cenn]], Kaladin saw an enemy battalionlord and decided to kill him, hoping such a feat would get him transferred to the [[Shattered Plains]], where Kaladin believed the real fight and honorable men can be found. Kaladin and two of his subsquads executed their plan flawlessly, with Kaladin himself landing the killing blow on the enemy battalionlord.{{book ref|sa1|47}}
{{quote | It’s not about Alethkar! It’s about you! Storm it, you’re supposed to be better than the others! | Kaladin to Amaram after his men were struck down for the Shardplate {{book ref|sa1|51}}}}
[[File:Kaladin's Brands.svg|250px225px|thumb|right|''Sas nahn'' and ''shash'']]
=== Slavery (1172–1173) ===
Before Kaladin could step off the ledge, [[Syl]] returned, excitedly carrying a leaf of [[blackbane]] with her. Syl, in her naivety, having seen Kaladin previously take heart in having the poisonous leaves with him, assumed they would make Kaladin feel better. Syl recalled how everything seemed to go wrong when he lost the leaves, how he used to fight and make his soldiers feel like family. She admitted that was one of the things that drew her to him to begin with. Kaladin just lamented that he failed, that everything he touches withers and dies. Syl pleaded with him to give it one more try, reminding him that he couldn’t hurt the bridgemen any worse. Opening his eyes, he left the chasm and resolved himself to become bridgeleader. He marched up to [[Gaz]] and seized the man by the throat, sweeping his legs out from under him. Kaladin then intimidated and bribed the man into giving him the position along with the autonomy to run Bridge Four. Entering Bridge Four’s barrack that night, Kaladin found the men all huddled inside just as he left them. Kaladin visited with each man, introducing himself as bridgeleader and learning each of their names. Later, Kaladin went to sleep with a sense of purpose in protecting the men.{{book ref|sa1|11}}
==== Reforming Bridge Four ====
The next morning, Kaladin resolved to make some changes in [[Bridge Four]]. The first of these included training early in the mornings, putting an end to the group’s sleeping in. When [[Moash]] protested, Kaladin punched him in the gut and threw him over his shoulder, taking him outside. The others, shocked and not wanting to suffer the same fate, filed out into the sunlight. As Kaladin outlined his plan, he was immediately met with resistance from his fellow bridgemen who felt chores and bridge runs were more than enough to build their endurance. Kaladin argued that his primary duty was to keep them alive and since he couldn’t do anything about [[Parshendi]] arrows, he had to make them stronger. Moash called over to [[Gaz]] and asked if they had to listen to Kaladin to which Gaz replied that the bridgeleader only had authority on the field. Moash looked back to Kaladin and told him to storm off, causing the rest of the men to leave as well. Kaladin, undeterred by the men’s resistance, went off to the lumberyard to train by himself. He eventually attracted a crowd that included [[Teft]], [[Rock]], [[Dunny]], and some of the other members of Bridge Four.{{book ref|sa1|14}}
All of the men in [[Bridge Four]] are resigned to die since the squad has the worst reputation, even compared to the already-deplorable conditions of the other [[bridge crew]]s. Because of this, none of the men socialize with one another—in fact, they don’t even know each other’s names. The next morning, Kaladin announced to Bridge Four that the current state of affairs would change under his leadership. He first tried to get the members of Bridge Four into training for runs to increase their chances of survival, but he was met with resistance and ridicule. Undeterred, he proceeded to train by himself.{{book ref|sa1|14}}
OnBefore the next bridge run, Kaladin ledvisited an apothecary to purchase some supplies so he could tend to the wounded. However, he quickly discovered that antiseptic was expensive, despite [[knobweed]] reeds growing just outside of camp. Kaladin settled on a needle and gut as well as some bandages, spending the four marks he had left from paying [[Gaz]] off. Returning to camp just as the frontbells sounded, demandingKaladin yelled for the men to line up for the next bridge run. As the men neared the [[Parshendi]] lines, Kaladin demanded to switch with [[Rock]], taking the most dangerous center-front spot of the bridge for himself, a rarity for a bridgeleader. HeDuring alsothe startedassault, toKaladin providewas medicaladamant careon duringrescuing thisthe bridgesix run,who purchasingfell. medicalHe suppliesdragged from[[Hobber]] anand apothecary[[Dabbid]] beforehandto safety with the help of Rock. As he turned to tendgo back out to the woundedfield, bridge[[Teft]] menand whileRock stillstopped him, going back to check on the battlefieldother three. AdditionallyThey returned with [[Leyten]], insteadthe ofonly leavingother woundedsurvivor. bridgemenKaladin behindquickly started to diework, Kaladinproviding managedmedical care to recover threethe wounded Bridgemen. FourAfter membersthe fromlong thebattle, battlefieldthey andreturned helpedto themcamp backwith their three wounded in tow much to theGaz’s warcampprotests.{{book ref|sa1|17}}
Since theBecause bridgemen were supposed to be expendable, Kaladin was told that he maycould keep tending to the wounded men, but they would not be fedpaid or paidfed while they were unable to work. HeNot askedwanting to give in to Brightlord [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]], the bridgeleader asked other members of [[Bridge Four]] to pitch in money and food to care for the men. However, but theyall refused withexcept onefor exception[[Rock]]. RockHe offered to share his food but only with [[Hobber]], who was the least injured of the three.{{book ref|sa1|21}}Knowing Insteadit would only be a matter of time before the [[rotspren]] were attracted to the wounded, Kaladin came up with the idea of collecting [[knobweed]] sap,stems aduring valuablestone-gathering antisepticdetail. thatWith the stems, he could usecreate tothe care forantiseptic the injuredmen desperately needed and even sell forsome moneyto get more supplies and food. Gaining the trust of [[Rock]] and [[Teft]], Kaladin enlisted themtheir help to find and collect the knobweed sap.during their new detail. [[Syl]] helpedassisted as well, finding patches of knobweed and guiding Rock—who was mysteriously able to see her—to them. While working to extract the sap that night, Kaladin started building camaraderie with the two men, even managing to get Rock to open up and share some of his life story.{{book ref|sa1|21}}{{book ref|sa1|23}}
[[File:Kaladin bridgeman fullbody.png|thumb|left|225px|Kaladin and Syl by [[Coppermind:Artists/Exmakina|Exmakina]]]]
Kaladin returned to the apothecary and made a a deal for his bridge crew to gather knobweed sap in return for a [[spheres|skymark]] per bottle of sap. Upon returning from selling the sap, [[Gaz]] sent Bridge Four to do chasm duty, recovering valuables from the war dead who had fallen into the chasms. In the chasms, Kaladin continued to build rapport with the men, getting more of them to open up about their pasts.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
WhileKaladin returned to the apothecary and made a deal for his bridge crew to gather [[knobweed]] sap in return for a [[spheres|skymark]] per bottle of sap and some bandages. Upon returning from selling the sap, [[Gaz]] sent [[Bridge Four]] to do chasm duty, recovering valuables from the war dead who had fallen into the chasms. In the chasms, Kaladin continued to build rapport with the men, bringing [[Dunny]] into the fold, who sang for the men while others hovered behind. Through their workingwork, Kaladin came across a spear in the chasms. Picking it up and holding it drew the ire of [[Moash]], [[Sigzil]], and [[Earless Jaks]], who began taunting the bridgeleader. Ignoring their gibes, Kaladin closed his eyes and went into a trance. He performed aan advanced practice kata with the spear, revealing his talent as a genius spearman to histhe men, leaving them speechless. During the display, [[Teft]], along with some of the other men, noticed an unknown spren—actually Syl—zipping[[Syl]]—zipping around Kaladin. Through the rest of their chasm duty and on the walk back, more men started to open up. The night culminated in Kaladin using the money he had earned to purchase food and assigning [[Rock]] to cook a stew. Not a single person refused to partake in eating around the fire. The next day, a majority of the men followed his orders to rise out of bed and practice.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
====Side carry====
The night culminated in Kaladin using the money he earned to purchase food and he assigned Rock to cook a stew. Not a single person refused to partake in eating around the fire. The next day, a majority of the men followed his orders to rise out of bed and practice.{{book ref|sa1|27}}
Kaladin managed to get all the men to submit to his authority and participate in training. The training cut down on their losses, but Kaladin was still unsatisfied. Realizing that the bridge itself could act as a shield, Kaladin started training the men to shift the bridge and carry it on its side. The practice was slowing going, which left [[Gaz]] pleased at the prospect of [[Bridge Four]] losing more members. Prior to the next bridge run, Kaladin gained [[Lopen]] as a member from a new batch of recruits. They were immediately are sent onthe next run. Realizing it was going to be a bridgedifficult runapproach, where Kaladin ordered [[Bridge Four]] to perform the side carry as they engageengaged the [[Parshendi]]. The side carry was a success as it completely protected Kaladin’s men. However, other bridge crews tried to emulate the side carry. Not having trained in the maneuver, the other bridge crews failed. Lacking a sufficient number of bridges to cross the chasms and with the timing of the assault desynchronized, the battle was thrown into chaos and [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]] lost. Understanding that he’d undermined the army’s strategy, Kaladin ordered [[Rock]] and [[Teft]] to stand down and Kaladin stepped up to Gaz and [[Lamaril]] to accept his fate.{{book ref|sa1|32}}
==== Transforming Bridge Four into spearmen ====
Kaladin managed to get all of the men to submit to his authority and participate in his training. The training cut down on their losses, but Kaladin was still unsatisfied. Realizing that the bridge itself could act as a shield, Kaladin started training the men to shift the bridge and carry it on its side.{{book ref|sa1|30}}
====The Stormfather's judgement====
Prior to the next bridge run, Kaladin gained [[Lopen]] as a member from a new batch of recruits. They immediately are sent on a bridge run, where Kaladin ordered [[Bridge Four]] to perform the side carry as they engage the [[Parshendi]]. The side carry was a success as it completely protected Kaladin’s men. However, other bridge crews tried to emulate the side carry. Not having trained in the maneuver, the other bridge crews failed. Lacking a sufficient number of bridges to cross the chasms and with the timing of the assault desynchronized, the battle was thrown into chaos and [[Sadeas]] lost.{{book ref|sa1|32}}
As punishment for the failure, Sadeas demoted several officers and executed [[Lamaril]], the lighteyed officer directly in charge of the bridgemen. Sadeas declined to execute Kaladin directly, but instead decided to let the [[Stormfather]] judge him. Kaladin would be freed if he could survive being tied to the side of a building during a [[highstorm]].{{book ref|sa1|34}} During the highstorm, Kaladin met the Stormfather in the form of a gigantic, inhuman, smiling face. Immediately after, Kaladin’s [[Surgebinding]] abilities manifested and he drew upon [[Stormlight]] before falling unconscious.{{book ref|sa1|35}}
| I want you to go back into the barrack and tell the men to come out after the storm. Tell them to look up at me tied here. Tell them I’ll open my eyes and look back at them, and they’ll know that I survived.| Kaladin to Rock, Teft, and Moash before the highstorm {{book ref|sa1|35}}
As punishment for the failure, [[Torol Sadeas|Highprince Sadeas]] demoted several officers and executed [[Lamaril]], the lighteyed officer directly in charge of the bridgemen. Sadeas declined to execute Kaladin directly, but instead decided to let the [[Stormfather]] judge him. Kaladin would be freed if he could survive being tied to the side of a[[Bridge buildingFour]]’s barrack during athe highstorm. Prior to the highstorm, [[highstormRock]], [[Teft]], and [[Moash]] came to see Kaladin and promised they would remember him. Kaladin asked them to tell the men to come out after the storm and they will see that he had survived. Teft gave Kaladin a dun sphere for good luck and the men retreated into the barracks as the storm approached.{{book ref|sa1|34}} As the storm raged and slammed into Kaladin, [[Syl]] told him to grab the roof and then the ring that his rope was attached to. He did as she said knowing that if he let go, he’d be dangling in the air again. However, the rain numbed his fingers and caused him to slip, flapping in the air again. As he hit the roof, everything went black and silent. During the highstormdarkness, Kaladin met the Stormfather in the form of a gigantic, inhuman, smilingsmile face. Immediately after, Kaladin’s [[Surgebinding]] abilities manifested and he drew upon [[Stormlight]] from the glowing blue sphere before falling unconscious.{{book ref|sa1|35}}
Kaladin survived the highstorm, but he was severely injured. His men cut him down, cared for him, and posted a constant guard by his bed. While recovering, Kaladin unconsciously consumed Stormlight in order to heal, causing [[Teft]] to suspect that he may be a member of the [[Knights Radiant]].{{book ref|sa1|38}} Ten days later, Kaladin made a miraculous recovery and his men, despite never having known of his previous army service, revived the name Kaladin Stormblessed.{{book ref|sa1|40}}
====Kaladin Stormblessed====
After his recovery, Kaladin met [[Matal]], his new commander, and was re-acquainted with his wife [[Hashal]]. Hashal informed Kaladin that their working conditions would become less lax and permanently assigned Bridge Four to chasm duty. Given the new orders, Kaladin realized that further training as bridgemen would be a futile endeavor. Instead, he proposed training the men to become spearman in order to escape, which his men accepted.{{book ref|sa1|43}}
After the highstorm, the bridgemen followed [[Rock]] and [[Teft]] to go check on Kaladin. The bridgeleader hung by his ankles, his skin sliced in a hundred places. Just as the men gathered around him horrified, Kaladin’s eyes snapped open. His hand dropped the sphere that had been given to him, now dun, shocking Teft who knew the sphere should be infused. Wanting answers, he told Kaladin he better survive and the men rushed to cut him down. They cared for him and posted a constant guard by his bed. His injuries were severe, even attracting [[Deathspren]]. While recovering, Teft brought three infused spheres telling Kaladin he couldn’t leave them. He watched as Kaladin unconsciously consumed the Stormlight, causing Teft to suspect he may be a member of the [[Knights Radiant]]. Ten days later, Kaladin made a miraculous recovery and his men, never having known of his previous army service, revived the name Kaladin Stormblessed.{{book ref|sa1|38}}{{book ref|sa1|40}}
==== Transforming Bridge Four into spearmen ====
During a highstorm, Kaladin had a dream that he was the storm, traveling east to west, seeing the ground from the perspective of the storm itself. He passed over the [[Shattered Plains]], [[Kholinar]], [[Sesemalex Dar]], and many other cities. His path crossed [[Szeth-son-son-Vallano|Szeth]]’s in the middle of an assassination. Finally, he met the [[Stormfather]] once again, who left him with a cryptic message regarding the [[Oathpact]] being broken and [[Odium]] reigning. During this vision, Kaladin was in a trance and almost walked out into the highstorm, but his men restrained him and woke him.{{book ref|sa1|46}}
After his recovery, Kaladin accompanied [[Bridge Four]] on their next bridge run. Once they dropped the bridge, Kaladin watched the battle raging on the next plateau alongside [[Rock]] and [[Sigzil]]. The latter asked why the bridgemen weren’t allowed to use shields during runs. Rock suggested that shields would slow them down, but Kaladin realized it was because they were bait.{{book ref|sa1|40}} Kaladin slipped into despair as he realized there was no hope for his men. Things were compounded the next day when Kaladin met [[Matal]], their new commander, and was re-acquainted with his wife, [[Hashal]]. She informed Kaladin that her husband would not run the bridge crews with the same laxness as his [[Lamaril|predecessor]]. Hashal then permanently assigned Bridge Four to chasm duty. Given the new orders and knowing their place as bait, Kaladin realized that further training as bridgemen would be a futile endeavor. Instead, he proposed training the men to become spearmen in order to escape, which his men accepted.{{book ref|sa1|43}}
LaterDuring thata dayhighstorm, Kaladin dreamed he was the storm, traveling east to west, seeing the ground from the perspective of the storm itself. He passed over the [[Shattered Plains]], the [[Sea of Spears]], [[Kholinar]], the [[Horneater Peaks]], and countless other cities and villages. His path crossed [[Szeth]]’s in the middle of an assassination. Finally, he met the [[Stormfather]] once again, who left with with a cryptic message regarding the [[Oathpact]] being shattered and [[Odium]] reigning. Kaladin gasped awake to find himself being restrained. He attacked his “assailants,” but quickly realized they were just members of [[Bridge Four]]. wasThey giventold him he had been in a parshmanfever dream and that he tried to walk out into the highstorm. Shaking off his vision, Kaladin went to clean up, even letting [[ShenRock]] give him a shave. Later that day, asBridge Four was given a new recruit, a parshman that Kaladin named [[Shen]]. Kaladin found himself walking around [[Torol Sadeas|Sadeas]]’ warcamp an hour later, still worried about his dream,. He asked [[Syl]] if she knew anything about [[Odium]], which caused her to hiss and flee immediately to a nearby building. ABefore momenthe latercould ask why the word set her off, Kaladin heard a series of curses behind him. Turning, Kaladin witnessed [[Adolin Kholin]] saving a prostitute from being beaten by a lighteyed officer. Choosing to escort the prostitute hometo the border, Adolin threw aan [[Spheres|emerald chip]] to Kaladin and told him to deliver a message that he couldn’t make thehis meeting and would reschedule. Kaladin took the money, but didn’t deliver the message due to his disdain of Adolin’s attitude and lighteyes in general. Syl returned, andbut was distressed at Kaladin’s increasingly dark attitude concerning lighteyes and his breach of the implicit agreement to do as Adolin requestedasked.{{book ref|sa1|46}}
Later, during one ofDuring their chasm duty sessionsdetail, Kaladin secretly began training [[Bridge Four]], which had now dwindled to twenty-four members, as spearmanspearmen. To assist with the training, Kaladin tricked [[Teft]] into revealing that he had formerly been a sergeantsoldier and appointed him to oversee the men. To maintain their cover of working in the chaoschasms, he assigned [[Lopen]], [[Rock]], [[Dabbid]], and [[Shen]] to do the actual salvage work with Syl’s[[Syl]]’s assistance. Kaladin was impressed at the men’s progress after only a few hours and remarked that thanks to their adverse conditions, they arewere ironically the most motivated and fit recruits he had ever seen.{{book ref|sa1|49}}
==== Discovery of Surgebinding powers ====


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