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Placing himself within a batch of new Ministry recruits flowing into [[Luthadel]], he was accepted into their ranks. He quickly began to reveal important Ministry secrets to the rebellion using secret messages and drop sites. One such secret was the soothing stations, positioned by the [[Lord Ruler]] across Luthadel to inspire depression and docility in the skaa population.{{book ref|mb1|27}}
However, not everything went as planned. AnMarsh urgentset messageup froma Marshmeeting suggestedat he'da been discovered, andsite he directedwas themsupposed to oneinspect offor thesesuitability stationsas fora soothing extractionstation. However, when the crew arrived, they discovered only a headless corpse, butchered by [[Inquisitor]]s, and assumed Marsh dead.{{book ref|mb1|32}} They found a chair leg with a hidden message inside from Marsh, indicating that his questions about the Inquisitors had potentially exposed him, as they had been watching him, following him, and asking about him.
It was later revealed that he had been watched by the [[Canton of Inquisition]], as Seekers were particularly desired, and they had 'recruited' him, turning him into an Inquisitor using [[Hemalurgy]]. This caused his innate Seeker abilities to be heightened even further, an ability which was of great use to the Inquisitors. It's quite likely that this allowed Marsh to pierce [[coppercloud]]s, similar to [[Vin's earring]]. Despite it all, he continued to aid the rebellion behind the scenes, and when Vin confronted the Lord Ruler following Kelsier's death, he quietly removed the spikes from all of the other Inquisitors in Luthadel, most of which had gone to recuperate and refill their [[gold]]minds. Without the support of his Inquisitors, Vin was able to focus and finally succeed in killing the Lord Ruler.{{book ref|mb1|38}}
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