Diferencia entre revisiones de «Diagrama (grupo)»

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Knowing that his fluctuating intelligence and compassion could hinder his decision-making ability on certain days, Taravangian set up a system that will legally restrict some of his own rights depending on the result of a written test that he would take daily. This system is enforced by the [[King's Testers]] headed by [[Dukar]], and often assisted by other stormwardens who are also presumably members of the Diagram. [[Adrotagia]] and [[Mrall]] have also observed the king's testing, as well as his room maid [[Maben]]. The results of this test determine which activities Taravangian is allowed to perform for the day, like offering binding commentary on the Diagram, interacting with other people without supervision, changing governmental policy, and passing judgement in trials.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
The test consists of an increasingly difficult series of math problems, designed by Taravangian on a day of high intelligence and occasionally expanded upon as needed, with the king's abilities determined by how he performs. His decisions will be restricted for the day if he performs too badly (because he is too unintelligent), but also if he performs too well (because he is too uncompassionate). In Oathbringer, Taravangian cheats his test by claiming to be unable to solve the next problem, when he is really able to.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}
Adrotagia has used the data from Taravangian's test scores to show that his intelligence varies according to a statistical normal curve. From her calculations, she believes that another day of brilliance would be unlikely to occur more than once in two thousand years.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}


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