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Several Diagram members are responsible for administering a binding daily intelligence test to King Taravangian. The results of this test determine his ability to serve as king, offer binding commentary on the Diagram, interact outside of supervision, change governmental policy, and pass judgement in trials.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}} [[Dukar]] is the head of the [[King's Testers]], often assisted by other stormwardens, presumably also members of the Diagram. [[Adrotagia]] and [[Mrall]] have also observed the King's Testing, and his room maid [[Maben]] has also been present.
The test consists of an increasingly difficult series of math problems, with the King's abilities determined by how he performs. His decisions will be restricted for the day if he performs too badly (because he is too unintelligent), but also if he performs too well (because he is too uncompassionate). At one point inIn Oathbringer, Taravangian cheats his test by claiming to be unable to solve the next problem, when he is really able to.{{book ref|sa3|i|5}}
Adrotagia has used the data from Taravangian's test scores to show that his intellegence varies according to a statistical normal curve. From her calculations, she believes that another day of brilliance would be unlikely to occur more than once in two thousand years.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
===Interpretation of Diagram===
The senior members of the Diagram, including Taravangian himself, spend much of their time interpreting the Diagram and coming up with strategies to implement it. Because much of the original Diagram was written opaque ways, including codes, diagrams, poetry, and made-up languages, itthe isDiagram oftenmust unclearsometimes exactlyfirst be translated into plain speech, sometimes multiple times.{{epigraph ref|sa2|87}} Diagram members sometimes disagree as to the course of action prescribed by the Diagram. One notable example is what to do with Dalinar Kholin. Graves was convinced that the Diagram could be interpreted as allowing them to ally with Dalinar, while most others believed that Dalinar was competition. The failure of Graves's conspiracy was seen as proof that his interpretation was wrong.
===The Silent Gatherers and the Collection of Death Rattles===
See [[Death Rattle]] for the list of confirmed Death Rattles.
===Search for RadiantsDustbringers===
The Diagram predicted that the order of Dustbringers would be most likely to ally with the Diagram, thought obtaining a radiant was not guaranteed by the Diagram. It appears that the Diagram implemented a program among its lower members to attempt to bond an [[ashspren]]. It is unknown what this consisted of. [[Malata]] was the first to succeed.
===Assassination of Leaders===
The Diagram predicted the ability to use (or create) a [[Shin]] [[Truthless]] as a weapon.{{epigraph ref|sa2|78}} It is unclear whether the Diagram was involved in the events that led to [[Szeth]] becoming a truthless, but Taravangian did eventually obtain possession of his oathstone and used it to assassinate other leaders.
===Takeover of Jah Kaved===
Taravangian controlled [[Szeth]] and used him to murder other kings, thus destabilizing the power structure on Roshar. One such example is Taravangian's use of Szeth to kill the King of [[Jah Keved]], creating a power vacuum and succession war. Every Veden Highprince vied for the throne and was killed in the brutal warbattle. When Taravangian went to [[Jah Keved]] posing as a benevolent foreign king, and bringing aid to the war-torn city, as the Diagram instructed him to, he was made King.{{book ref|sa2|I|14}}{{expand}}
===Graves's Conspiracy===
===Second Assassination Attempt on Dalinar===
===Undermining of Dalinar's Leadership===
===Alliance with Odium===
At the end of Oathbringer, Tarvangian allies the Diagram with Odium in exchange for his promise to save the city and people of Kharbranth (defined as anyone born in the city and their spouses).
== Notes ==


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